What peaceful tolerant people the lefties are

texassapper's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wrong forum.
rooster's Avatar
Nope. This is exactly the right forum to call out this madness.

Fuckin loony lefties...

Next thing ya know they will be blaming Trump for the E. Coli outbreak there too!

Oh....ummm....BTW, I heard they had to increase security at the Capital building recently also. Seems someone incited some violence there or somthing...

Can you imagine?

After a "day of love"?


It's not like anyone got threatened or hurt on Jan 6....

txdot-guy's Avatar
As Mr. T would say “It’s the internet fool!” where any old jackass can say any old thing. I’m not sure that you can paint the entire “lefty” movement with the same brush.
rooster's Avatar
.....I’m not sure that you can paint the entire “lefty” movement with the same brush. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Doesn't stop 'em from tryin...

It's a combination of denial and desperation. Gaslighting 101.

eyecu2's Avatar
“There was chatter…There’s been messaging and phone calling and social media where people have made threats and said they are going to do this or that, but nobody has come into the restaurant to make a ruckus,” he told the DCNF. “It’s been nothing that Derek [Giacomantonio] hadn’t anticipated, and nothing that has made him think anything would actually be carried out.”

Perhaps this was anticipated by 'said owner' as it's him who is propogating the "claims of actions and threats" ala Jessie Smollet style.

Perhaps to get him some ppl to stop by and get some fries from the same fryer Trumpy used, or to further offer derogatory and defaming claims against the libs? I mean- we've seen that the GOP and it's minions have not found a depth that they won't sink to, and this would follow that logic when you think about it.

"Them libtards is gonna take away your 1st and 2nd amendments- and the special sauce and lettuce cheese on your big macs". They must die!!"

Add your 'A-typical jabrone- accent' while this is being said for the full authentic audio reference. - NOT meant to offend any fine folks on the board btw.

McDonalds ba da dat dat da! Yinz is gonna love it.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Keeping on the topic of tolerant lefties, I found this little jewel we can discuss.


Poll: 28% of Democrats say U.S. better off if Trump were assassinated

The Center Square) – More than a quarter of Democrats in a new poll said America would be better off if former President Donald Trump had been killed in Sunday's assassination attempt.That's according to the poll of 1,000 registered voters taken after authorities on Sunday spotted a man armed with an assault-style rifle and scope hiding in bushes near Trump's West Palm Beach golf club while the former president played.
So come on lefties on the internet, lift up your voices and be heard that you want a man killed just because he has millions of supporters who appreciate the leadership he has to make a check go further with groceries and fuel, and assure American troops are taken care of. The families of the men and ladies who serve the service will feel more secure knowing another situation like leaving Afghanistan won't happen on his watch. American families will be more secure as he closes down the border then gets rid of the illegal aliens.

Just seeing the utter hatred and vile stuff that's regurgitated on this 20 or so member obscure forum on an obscure website make me feel a couple of you really hate Trump. But how bad do you hate him? You see all this hateful rhetoric that is vomited on the mainstream media just leads me to believe there are mental midgets who wants Trump dead. All this Trump is hitler, Trump is a fascist adds up and just puts a bigger target on him. And several hard core Trump haters are complicit in it. Of course nobody on the internet on any website will ever admit to wanting to take a shot, but these hitler and fascist comments are adding up the closer we get to election day.

Is using this hateful rhetoric illegal, maybe not considering the first amendment, however it's illegal to yell fire in a crowded movie theater so the first amendment isn't a black/white issue, but has shades of gray.

Is it OK to dislike Trump? Of course it is, but when it gets to the point that it is right now, it gets out and out dangerous and can split this country like a cleaver.
rooster's Avatar
Keeping on the topic of tolerant lefties, I found this little jewel we can discuss.....
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Here we go again. You say you want "lefties" to "lift up your voices"...but you want no such thing. No discussion. Not in a civilized way, at least.

You do the very things that you accuse "lefties" of: you use shit tons of hateful and inflammatory rhetoric, and you misrepresent these ideas in confrontational, insulting ways.

NONE of "us" are saying that we "want a man killed." That is not what the poll says either. We could talk about what it actually says, but you don't ever seem to have any real interest in that. This is just another of your attacks, your attempts to demonize people who don't support Trump.

Posts like this just make people defensive and angry. It does not make very many want to "discuss" this.

If you want to talk about what the poll actually means, let us know.

And if you don't want to...that's fine too. You can just continue to vent about this and make us all more pissed off at each other.

BTW, if you want to make a point about something like unjustified hatred or promotion of violence, adding a bunch of "campaign slogans" like this to it just dilute your message, make it sound like an excuse to repeat propaganda:

"...just because he has millions of supporters who appreciate the leadership he has to make a check go further with groceries and fuel, and assure American troops are taken care of. The families of the men and ladies who serve the service will feel more secure knowing another situation like leaving Afghanistan won't happen on his watch. American families will be more secure as he closes down the border then gets rid of the illegal aliens."

Precious_b's Avatar
Yes they are.
...in comparison to what the rightie rights are.

Gotta have perspective to have a comparison.

Thanks for letting us all know
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Rooster, if people want to stop this Trump is hitler or Trump is fascist, you must put out the fire to kill the flame.

Right now, harris, walz, and their pals in the media are right in the middle of this crap. Naturally us Trump voters are taking it very personally that their rhetoric may physically hurt our guy.

If all of them would stop this dangerous rhetoric, things for the most part would clear up on their own. They're pro-active while we're being reactive.

And as much as I detest harris, walz, soros, pelosi, etc., there is no manner in any way I would want any of them hurt. But all it takes is one loner who's been bullied and hates the world.
rooster's Avatar
If you want the "last word" in this absolute turd of a thread, I'm gonna make you work for it.

Your statements about rhetoric are nothing but gaslighting denial about the very types of things that Trump says on a regular basis. He normalized this type of dialog. Now he and his supporters twist it back on their "enemies" (his word!) and can't take it when their very same techniques are used against them.

Trump may not be "Hitler"...but he damn sure is a FASCIST. Calling him that isn't some knee-jerk desperate ploy by Anti-Trumpers.

Robert Paxton - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Paxton - is considered by the truly knowledgeable to be THE expert on fascism in our lifetimes. He isn't partisan. He isn't biased.

For many years, he maintained that calling Trump fascist was simplistic and not justified. Everything changed for him on January 6th.

As it did for many.

This was his public statement, made in a column to "Newsweek" shortly after Jan 6:

"Trump's incitement of the invasion of the Capitol on January 6, 2020 removes my objection to the fascist label. His open encouragement of civic violence to overturn an election crosses a red line. The label now seems not just acceptable but necessary."

Unfortunately, people like Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and tons of others doubled down on their hypocrisy over this and put him back into the good graces of MAGA.

But many of us have not.


That is not a call to...or in support of...violence. It is merely a statement of opposition. A very strong one. One meant to not be misunderstood.

It IS simplistic and cheap to call Trump "Hitler." But since no one in this country actually understands (or remembers) history, he is the first person to come to mind when people think of fascism. So they reach for that comparison out of convenience. Not good. But Trump has done similar cheap, bullshit things on a regular basis.

And he is a fascist.

Tough shit if you can't take that.

(BTW...let me warn you...and others... in advance not to ding Paxton for making that statement in an outlet like "Newsweek"...though it would be tempting so see if you would discredit yourself by doing so. I don't know why he chose to do it there, but it doesn't matter. The man is a true expert. I'm not going to ask you to make the effort to understand him. Just make sure you don't criticize him without knowing WTF you are talking about. You won't look good)

Jacuzzme's Avatar

That is not a call to...or in support of...violence. It is merely a statement of opposition. A very strong one. One meant to not be misunderstood.

It IS simplistic and cheap to call Trump "Hitler." But since no one in this country actually understands (or remembers) history, he is the first person to come to mind when people think of fascism. So they reach for that comparison out of convenience. Not good. But Trump has done similar cheap, bullshit things on a regular basis.

And he is a fascist.

Tough shit if you can't take that. Originally Posted by rooster
You seem more willing to have a reasonable discussion on this, and frankly come across as a lot more intelligent and interesting than Lucas, so maybe would be willing to engage what he avoids.

How could one be defined as a fascist when their governing philosophy includes things like spreading peace, decentralizing education, reducing regulation, encouraging firearm ownership, anti-censorship, and generally reducing the role of government in peoples lives? These are all things that go against the tenets of Fascism, yet essentially define Trumpism.

Also, when you’re well aware that rhetoric will be misinterpreted by those without perspective, which you clearly are, you don’t get to be insulated from its results, such as multiple attempts on a candidate’s life.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Spreading peace???

All that other shit????

I just spit-out me beer! LOLLING!

That's the propaganda, chapter and verse.

Now excuse me while I celebrate spreading peace with a day of love...
