Encounter: Experience at Yu Spa may have burned me from the hobby

BobbyC50's Avatar
Date: 7/22/23
Name: Coco
Address and Phone: -
Address: NW corner of Park and Coit. Next to Chinese grocery.
Phone: 682-317-9888
City: Plano
State: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: FSBM+ (See ROS)
Hair Length and Color: Shoulder length black
Age: 55
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Chinese
Physical Description: Short and cute but aged. Girl who brought me to room was attractive and younger. But may have been beer goggles
Recommendation: No
What did you talk her down to? Chalk it up man. You learned a horrible lesson about paying first, sounds like you know that NOW.
vigilant17's Avatar
Thanks for this review Bobby
I had the same problem in Arlington about 3 months ago I wanted no draping and she said ok when we got in the room she forced me to drape. I asked for my money back and she said no lay down with draping. So I got up and told her I wanted my money back since she hadn’t started yet. She said under no reason I was getting my money back owner said no. So I am walking out and start calling someone on my phone she said who u call. I call police you stow my money and walked out. Of course I didn’t call them. She comes running out to my car with my money.
Love Rim Jobs's Avatar
Yep that’s what happens when you tip up front. I refuse to ever tip till the end of my massage, and if they short me on the time, I will take it out of their tip too. This hobby started going downhill when so many mongers began tipping up front and these girls got used to getting away with shit like this.
  • AP51
  • 07-31-2023, 07:16 PM
Yep that’s what happens when you tip up front. I refuse to ever tip till the end of my massage, and if they short me on the time, I will take it out of their tip too. This hobby started going downhill when so many mongers began tipping up front and these girls got used to getting away with shit like this. Originally Posted by Love Rim Jobs
  • BoZo
  • 08-05-2023, 09:49 AM
Try Dragon on 303. No problems there.
So was that review about Michelle just complete BS?
veloztec's Avatar
This place is horrible. Not just yuuuuuu but also miiiiii