Define "incall" for me please

hotrix1's Avatar
Just recently contacted a provider and was informed she provided incalls as long as I accommodated for the room. Wouldn't that by definition be an outcall if she came to me, to a room I paid for? Or even if I went to her, to a room I paid for? And how would that be considered an incall? To me the whole idea of going to a provider's incall is to maintain anonymity and not creating a paper trail risking exposure to your identity.

I might be unclear on the concept but I've never heard of an incall the client pays for in all my years in the hobby.
Incall is you go to her. Outcall she comes to you. As far as who pays for the room that doesn't really effect the terms of outcall vs incall. Only the TCB part is effected on who handles the room arrangements.
hotrix1's Avatar
Hey rabbit, didn't expect you here. Thanks for the reply.
Guess I've just never had to pay for the room whenever I've visited a provider that has an incall or is it just me that believes that the incall is paid for by the provider?
It actually does sometimes happen. Yes the norm is the provider usually has a room that she is using for her business. Unless she is just meeting you and a lot of times she usually expects the guy to pay for the room or it can be worked out as part of the donation also. Recommend you work out the details ahead of time. I have been burnt in the past on bad TCB providers.
joesmo888's Avatar
I've done this before. tell her you will split the room cost with her since you are getting the room. lots of times they don't have an incall due to their living arrangements