Reviews for The Austin Escorts???Anyone?

SRPHR's Avatar
  • 01-18-2010, 11:09 PM
Hello Austin Hobbiest & Providers

I'm new to town from Houston where I enjoyed the Hobby sine 2002. I've seen a few ladies in town and still feeling my way around. The gals at The Austin Escorts look awesome, but I can't seem to find any reviews. On that note, what happened to ASPD?

I have been using The Erotic Review to post my reviews, same user name SRPHR, so ECCIE is new to me.

I am open to input and suggestions for reviews. Plus any fav's y'all might recommend. I have over 40 reviews on TER, but just not sure of format for ECCIE

I think it all depends on your taste and what type of ladies your into? The showcases are a great place to start
guest031812's Avatar
ASPD went down due to the site owners death - The agency you are talking about was banned from aspd but I do know they are real.. Cant really vouch for services because I have never used anyone from over there.. sorry I cant help more
jimmers's Avatar
The word from the ASPD faithful is that the girls are real, several are very good, and some also are independent (Maria Filt). The issue I have heard is the guy in charge (and it is not Holly as listed on the website - again, that info is strictly second hand). The individual in question also had written that he had every intention of destroying ASPD. The key feeling among old ASPD members was the girls looked great, but dealing with him was scary.
nuglet's Avatar
I'll second what jimmers said. I made a comment once on aspd and got a shitstorm from the scumbag that ran it and, while not scary, did verify that I would not use, nor ever recommend them. They need to just hire a different pimp and I think more business would come their way. but beware of dealing that the creep that guards the gate.
yardape's Avatar
You should run tineye on their photos, too, if you see something that interests you, just to make sure.
SRPHR's Avatar
  • 01-19-2010, 05:20 PM
Thanks everyone for your input. I shall heed the advice! I got a
few more reviews to post, I'll follow the outline a bit better
on my next reviews.
I've used them twice without any issues. Saw Marina. I believe most of her pics are real - I can't really tell if they are fake because she has the same body type as the people in the pics. Regardless, her body is amazing and she was willing to do whatever I asked. Her attitude showed a bit of disinterest, but not enough that it bothered me. She was very accommodating so I was happy. And she really loves DATY so she wanted a lot of that. She is a one-shot girl though.

Her face is beautiful - on the level of Ava and others like her.
Tatonka's Avatar
I used them a few times in the past and would not have any problems with using them again. They are for real and all the ladies I have seen thru them were very pretty and I had a great time with some of them. Though the ones I saw are not there anymore. Lana is one of their girls that I have been wanting to see for a while.

Have heard that Thea and Marina are one shot girls.