Would you do Business (outside of the Hobby) with someone you know from here?

Whispers's Avatar
Late last Summer a member of this community responded to an Ad I was running on a Website relating to the Business I was in.

He had a rather unique Email Address that I thought I recognized and went online and sure enough He was a member of this community.

Rather than risk any potential for awkwardness and because his wife would be a part of any transaction that might occur I referred the lead to a partner to handle and followup on.

They never actually did anything at the time and MAY still be in the market. And considering the current market it is a lead worth pursuing.

What's your opinion on a situation regarding business outside the hobby?

Me and REB do business together all the time. I have also been asked or approached with business questions, etc, several times as well by many other members. I would be upfront about it but also reassure them your discretion. When REB did my refinance he didn't blurt out in front of my SO, "Hey Big Pimpin, so how big were Trisha Dreams boobs again?"
hungryjonny's Avatar
There have been threads posted describing situations similar to this, specifically men accounts of seeing providers in supermarkets or around town outside of the hobby world and how to handle it. If i recall correctly the crux of those encounters were that the discretion expected by both parties allows for a nod of recognition, but never revealing what it is that associates the two parties. I believe TGFBI nailed when he says there's nothing wrong with acknowledging the interest since the expectation of discretion is not limited to providers and ourselves; it's expected of the entire community.
Simply Alisha's Avatar
At one time, a few years back, my tax accountant was a client of mine. He did my taxes for several years.

It was a bit awkward at the beginning. Afterall, he got every possible piece of personal info about me, placed directly in his hands. I never had an issue with him. He doesn't do my taxes anymore....I changed when I bought a company that came with an accountant, but I still refer him to ladies in the business.

And, I've done some banking business with another client of mine, as well.

I'm not the most trusting soul, I'll admit. And I was very careful about making the decision to blend the 2 lives. But, I wouldn't say I recommend anybody to do what I did. It can be very risky, especially if personal info is being exchanged.

chipper's Avatar
There are a lot of people that I have met in the "Hobby" that I would do business with outside of it. There are also some that I would not do business with. I would not let the "Hobby" dictate my business practices.
Me and REB do business together all the time. I have also been asked or approached with business questions, etc, several times as well by many other members. I would be upfront about it but also reassure them your discretion. When REB did my refinance he didn't blurt out in front of my SO, "Hey Big Pimpin, so how big were Trisha Dreams boobs again?" Originally Posted by TGFBI
No I did not out Big Pimpin', not in my best interest, he is big strong man.. ..

REB has done a few deals for some hobby buddies and all went very well..

So yes I would
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
I have and would again. A few times with both of us knowing, once with them not knowing at all.

I remember two providers walking into my store once about 2 years ago. I immediately recognized them from their web pages, but neither of them ever knew. I continued just as I would with any other customer. One of them bought a very nice mattress set from me.
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
I would not even think twice about it. As Whispers said, no lead is too thin to follow these days... or any day for that matter.
Hell yes, I would do business with someone from here. It kind of gives new meaning to the term "social networking"!!!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
If you are doing business with an accountant, banker, doctor, lawyer, or any other licensed proffessional I don't think you have anything to worry about. If they were to use your personal information to harass you etc... there are grave repercussions for using their proffession in that way.

Now if you are dealing with a used car salesman, telemarketer, psychic, etc... and there are not guilds or trade organizations or specific laws governing their business practices, then I would steer clear.

Whispers, I say do the deal, then go with your gut on whether or not to bring up the hobby.
If you are doing business with an accountant, banker, doctor, lawyer, or any other licensed proffessional I don't think you have anything to worry about. If they were to use your personal information to harass you etc... there are grave repercussions for using their proffession in that way.

Now if you are dealing with a used car salesman, telemarketer, psychic, etc... and there are not guilds or trade organizations or specific laws governing their business practices, then I would steer clear.

Whispers, I say do the deal, then go with your gut on whether or not to bring up the hobby. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Actually, auto dealers have some of the most stringent privacy rules and oversight in today's business world. They are also licensed by the state of Texas just like the other professionals that you mentioned.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I stand corrected.
Whispers's Avatar
Actually, auto dealers have some of the most stringent privacy rules and oversight in today's business world. They are also licensed by the state of Texas just like the other professionals that you mentioned. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
The Dealerships may be licensed but the Sales Staff are not.... So the system brakes down at that level...

I've worked the floor of a few dealerships over the years and belive me.... Cut a deal to buy a car.... then back out and don't be surprised where your personal info lands....

I knew more than a few with lousy attitudes that will feed ya to the wolves.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have and will again esp since it gives me a chance to give my money back in a weird way.....(I hope that makes sense to more then just me lol).....
SofaKingFun's Avatar
The Dealerships may be licensed but the Sales Staff are not.... So the system brakes down at that level...

I've worked the floor of a few dealerships over the years and belive me.... Cut a deal to buy a car.... then back out and don't be surprised where your personal info lands....

I knew more than a few with lousy attitudes that will feed ya to the wolves. Originally Posted by Whispers
Sure, but you're painting a lot of people with a very large brush.
That can and does happen in ANY industry.
There are good people and bad people in any walk of life.

It all boils down to the integrity of that individual and developing a trust
in order for a business relationship to be successful and healthy.

Yes, I've done business with some people in the hobby.
Just like in real life, we keep this world and that world sectioned-off and separated.
Discretion is extended as well as expected and trust plays a huge part in the deal.

By the same token, there are some people I would never deal with.
But yes, I have and it's been mutually beneficial.