Going to be out of town

Hey all...I am having to make a sudden trip out of state for the week. VERY last minute. Family illness but not anything critical at this time...just a good opportunity for a visit.

I didn't want anyone to wonder what happened or worry or anything if you aren't able to reach me by phone or email. I may or may not be online while I'm gone.

Anyways, take care and be safe. I'll see all you guys and girls when I get back early next week.

Hey there boys and girls! I made it back from my out-of-state visit and immediately had to get my dad admitted to the hospital.

He did not have a heart attack but they have no idea how to treat him at this time. He'll be having tests tomorrow and we will then determine a plan of action.

I am not scheduling anything so far this week because I don't know where I will be...here or at the hospital.

I apologize for any inconvenience and can't WAIT to be a productive member of society again but it is what it is!

Thanks and hope to see you all soon!

Nice to see you back. Call me when you get a chance. There have been some changes....
VNurse i hope for the best
Thatdude, thank you very very much!

Dharma, I got your message the other day but I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to holler back. Crazy, crazy week! We'll chat soon...

Vickie hope dad does well, my prayers will be with you. hope to see you soon
motocrossman39's Avatar
Take Care Dear and be Safe!
pmdelites's Avatar
vicki, sending you, your dad and your family lots of love and healing thoughts.
peace be with you!!!
Bloodhound's Avatar
I hope your dad is doing well.
OMG! You guys are all SO great!! I SO appreciate the thoughts and wishes...more than you know.

He is feeling better and we expect good things to come out of this ordeal.

Big Fat Kisses to you all!
mansfield's Avatar
That's great news! Glad things are looking up