Closing of threads....

sixxbach's Avatar
I have to wonder why Tony Gambino's threAD was shut down.I f you scan the coed forums of every city, there are many threAD's there.

Yes, I do know Tony is stirring the pot. However, he violated no rules that I am aware of.

Yes, mods to have the authority to close a thread but he did not violate the rules.

Remember that members should steer the course of discussion not mods. Maybe this is a Dallas problem? I doubt this would have happened in Austin.....

Great question, I can't speculate because Bubba has his finger on the ban button....I guess only certain threads are acceptable......sad but apparently if you are a mod you decide the contents of this site....if you are just a member you just suck it up
Boltfan's Avatar

I generally don't give too much of a shit who posts where but are you planning to relocate to Dallas? WTF is up with the continued crusade against the mods? Is there some bitter situation of which we are not aware?

Sorry, Tony, dude, you fucked up. You are a complete ASSHOLE in chat when you are drunk. No amount of whining is about it is going to make a difference. Inmates don't get parole when they have no remorse. The sooner you get that, the sooner you may realize a way to get back in (that is if you haven't burned that bridge to the damn ground already).
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 07-16-2011, 11:54 PM
TheWanderer's Avatar so crazy.....
I'm so bored this weekend....
Attached Images File Type: jpg Weekend fun - what could go wrong.jpg (68.8 KB, 477 views)
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 07-17-2011, 12:24 AM
Is that Sriracha?? +5 points for awesome Asian sauce!

That setup has Win written ALL over it. *giggle*
pyramider's Avatar
Thread closing on the icky is a mod pastime.
How bout Tony reposts his threAD in Austin.

maybe somebody gives a fuck there.

I vote Bubba close this threAD too.
sixxbach's Avatar
I can post where the fuck I want to.

Just like Ze and whoever else can post in any forum in any city. That tard is just mad because I won't kiss her ass like most of the guys here.

It is a valid question. I am not a fan of Tony by any means but at the end of the day threads shouldn't be closed like that. Some of you are being hypocritical and your dislike for Tony is why it's no big deal.

Yes, I know thread closing is not the end of the world and petty compared to the problems of the world. I think you could really say that about anything posted by any member on a SHMB.....

sixxbach's Avatar

I generally don't give too much of a shit who posts where but are you planning to relocate to Dallas? WTF is up with the continued crusade against the mods? Is there some bitter situation of which we are not aware? Originally Posted by Boltfan
There is no crusade against the mods. I am actually cool with many mods. I am one to call things out though. Heck, I was even banned by my mod partner and friend. A couple of days later, we were eating at Twin Peaks laughing about it. Liken it to UFC if you will, you beat the shit out of each other till one taps but at the end of it, you shake hands.

Besides Bolt, you have had issues with staff before so I am surprised that you would be against someone questioning a staff decision....
The moderators are users of the forum who are granted access to the posts and threads of all members for the purpose of moderating discussion (similar to arbitration) and also keeping the forum clean (neutralizing spam, threads that get out of hand, etc.). Moderators also answer users' concerns about the forum, general questions, as well as respond to specific complaints. They also can do anything to lend a helping hand to a user in need. Common privileges of moderators include: deleting, merging, moving, and splitting of posts and threads, locking, renaming, stickying of threads, banning, suspending, unsuspending, unbanning, warning the members, or adding, editing, removing the polls of threads. "Junior Modding", "Backseat Modding", or "Forum copping" can refer negatively to the behavior of ordinary users who take a moderator-like tone in criticizing other members.
Essentially, it is the duty of the moderator to manage the day-to-day affairs, (being a "third party" observer and not take "sides" in a discussion, unless it is a dispute against the company or site itself), of a forum or board as it applies to the stream of user contributions and interactions. The relative effectiveness of this user management directly impacts the quality of a forum in general, its appeal, and its usefulness as a community of interrelated users. They should not "bait" members they do not like personally or otherwise by writing things in open forums to get those particular members to respond in order to give them points or ban them for being "disrespectful" or other rationale they think up.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
In general, I do think there is a bit more closing of threads than there should be, with a lot of preemptive closing.

But to liken that to this situation is absurd. How many threads does he need to post about the exact same subject? He has been banned from chat. It's done. And I have yet to see much in the way of disagreement regarding the banning from anyone besides Tony. He got a chance to state his feelings on the issue, repeatedly. Frankly, most forums I've been a part of wouldn't have been as patient as they have been on this one.
Bloodhound's Avatar
I have thought for a good while that threads were being closed way tooooo soon. Seems that some mods get off by jumping in and closing for no good reason other than being a dick.

As far as Tony's chat quest, it makes me grin everytime I see someone post about it.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
I think the thread should be re-opened. It was closed so quickly, many of us missed out on another golden opportunity to make fun of Tony... and that never gets old!