Question of Etiquette

For reference, visit the following thread:

My question is, what was insensitive/improper about this statement?

It's sad for everyone involved if she and anyone else were arrested. But, given her location and popularity, and the resulting number of cars+guys in-and-out, it's really not too surprising that a neighbor would complain and prompt some policy investigation. I visited once and did not feel comfortable at all parking in her driveway. Maybe, single family homes are just not a very good place of business for providers. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
I have no idea. Let's ask Bubba.
I didn't see anything insensitive about your post. It is a valid statement and we all think it at one time or another. I know when I see a provider at their place of residence I always wonder if the neighbors watch a possible revolving door of people at all times of day and/or night.

There is a provider in Arlington I like to see and she uses her residence for providing with a friend. The last time I went was during the middle of the day and the neighbors were having a garage sale. I pulled up and as I walked to the front door, the two ladies watched me walk from my car to her door. If it were not for the fact this provider does other business from her home I would be more squeamish about going there.

We all take chances in this hobby and just as those Hobbiests who take the chance of having a possible LE/Provider going to their home, a hobbiest also runs into the possible experience of a bust at a provider's home when neighbors get suspicious.

Everyone play safe and stop being so sensitive about what is or is not insensitivity.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Maybe because it is pure speculation on the part of the OP? An immediate conclusion was drawn that it stems from the number of visitors to her home. No one knows for sure yet. Let's hope all is well first and when facts come out, if they come out, then pass judgement.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I'm not sure the proper choice of words was "insensitive", but the alert thread could have easily steered off course to a discussion of where providers should ply their trade. That subject has been discussed over and over again, and the proper forum is Coed.
Guest091314's Avatar
"I suggest staying away from camerons0908 of east ftw current incall for a while, I text and called her for our appointment that was just suppose happen from a lowes up street and no response."

This may have been what they were talking about, it was insensitive to post an alert about a situation that nobody knows what really happened. In the long run it could really hurt her business. I understand you called her but has she logged in? have you sent her a PM? I am in no way bashing you or jumping your case...just thinking.

"I know when I see a provider at their place of residence I always wonder if the neighbors watch a possible revolving door of people at all times of day and/or night.

There is a provider in Arlington I like to see and she uses her residence for providing with a friend. The last time I went was during the middle of the day and the neighbors were having a garage sale. I pulled up and as I walked to the front door, the two ladies watched me walk from my car to her door. If it were not for the fact this provider does other business from her home I would be more squeamish about going there."

I can understand the feeling of thinking everyone knows what you are up to. As a provider sometimes I think that there is a stamp on my forehead and everyone knows what I do behind closed doors. Unless you/she is not discreet then nobody really knows or even cares.

Also by stating online that she is working out of her residence puts her at danger alone, the creepies might come out to play and they would be able to fully stalk her if they made an appt.

Sorry for the long reply...had a hell of a thought process!
An alert is posted about a provider(s). Possible bust, etc. But we really dont know what transpired other than police were there and had people in handcuffs.

IMHO, that alert thread is NOT the place to start criticizing the providers possible poor choice of incall locations. Its a valid obserevation. Its not that the comment was improper or wrong in any way, just not the right thread in the right forum.
Alecia, this thread isn't about the OP, it's actually about the follow on post.

Bubba, so the musings concerning the location was insensitive or was it just not the right place to discuss it? Sorry, you said it was "very insensitive" and I'm trying to understand what was insensitive and why. I'm not saying it wasn't "insensitive". I just don't know what was and why it was.
Some people may look at as an "I told you so", which in conjunction with an arrest could be perceived as kicking someone while they're down.

I didn't see it that way, though, personally.
Insensitive because of the timing and location. Many people are very concerned for safety and welfare of the 2 ladies possibily involved. I just don't think it was the time or place to criticizing the involved parties. All that serves to do is inflame the feelings of those concerned.

There is a time and place for everything. Your comment was a valid point, just not the right time or place.
TY Bubba. I see your viewpoint and respect it. Thank you for clarifying. I actually had no comment. I only had questions that you have now answered. Hat's off to you and JLC signing out of this thread.