Got a payment ??

I’m driving down to Mobile from BHM.
I’m on STG looking for something in Mont and Mob.
Nothing that perks me intrest.
But I do see this one from Kentucky in a nice place in Mob.
We chat all the way down 65 about the mechanics of a date and feeling each other out. I’m searching her numbers and asking for a peace sign pic. Same with her. Building a little trust.
I get to her exit and tell her I’m goi g to hit an ATM
I go to her motel and wait.
I then get this shit. ‘Can you go to Loves truck stop and put the donation on a card’ ? WTF jerk off does she think I am?
Im in her parking lot, got cash. She is okay hot. Her pic could be her, older with jet black hair. No reviews and the warning bells are going off.
I tell her to fuck it and I drive to my PlanB.
Is this normal for anyone? Is putting cash on a card increases your risk of intent?
I smelled Leo. Had this happen in Montgomery too. I cruised.
How does this scam work. How do they check that you actually put cash on a card? Do you slide the card under the door before she opens the door? What fool would do that? Cash always works
Any guy would be a fool to jump through that hoop

Your thoughts
dj8rocks's Avatar
Usually a scam. They will then ask you for the numbers from the back of the card, then they will have what they need. The $$$
Separate you from the cash is the main goal. Then your fucked.

Okay any chick pulling this shit, needs to go down on the warning thread
Ok so here's my input, why in the hell would you want a card I stead of cash?? Now I've taken visa gift cards before per request of the gentleman, BUT I ask for the receipt to be brought along with it. Then again I also accept credit cards from my trusted friends. Either way, her contacting you last min with that request is weird as crap! Is this why I have such a hard time when I'm in mobile every other week?? Girls like this ruin it for the good ones like me!!?? Smh...
Lust at first Sight's Avatar
I talked to the same girl on Monday night, Location off springhill ave I assume? Only gas station I saw nearby was the Shell. Needless to say, I left as well.
STG is full of scammers
That’s her.
Us as clients tend to more money putting the donation on a preload card with all the extra fees that come with it I think. I'd rather just do it old school, but you hear a lot of providers complaining about counterfeit funds they why the ask upfront. Then some of them make up some sob story about being robbed. I believe that can happen but I gotta see if they're legit too otherwise I'll consider that there's a lie somewhere in the story