Little angry!

Let me start out by saying I’m a little mad but also a little happy for the recommendations! So I got two random tex messages from two fellas I didn’t know. Both of them said one of my other clients had given them my phone number. Which is nice that I was recommended by the other person, but I didn’t get a courtesy email or tex from the person before hand asking if it was ok for them to give my number out! I am unsure if this is normal Etiquette As far as all of this goes because I’m still kind of new to all of it. But if you have my number and want to give it out to another hobbyist I’ll more than likely be ok with it. But I would appreciate an email asking and kind of a heads up! So if I am all wrong in all aspects of it I am ok with being told. But I would prefer just an email saying hey so I would like to give your number to a buddy of mine is that cool with you? Please! I was actually quite nervous of even setting a meet and greet that I told them an outrageous donation just to kind of steer them away. Out of fear! So please let me know either way on how to deal with it if it’s not common for people to get upset about something like this? Thanks guys 😘😘😘
Unless a Lady's number is in her advertising then i have always refrained from sharing the contact info until after i have confirmed that is ok to do so. I think that is the proper way to do things and especially with a provider that has always kept her contact info and pics guarded. Hopefully this doesn't happen again.
Although I'm a proponent of what the gentleman said ( Pounder ) and it's very logical to say and most would probably view it as such. Be that as it may, most gents mean more good than harm. I've met some very nice ladies that made sure to mention not to share number and made it part of their initial dialogue and prescreening process.