Premium access after review question...

Parsifal's Avatar
I have meant to ask this for some time, but have failed to do so:

Does the 6 week premium access compile concurrently for multiple reviews, or does each review grant an additional 6 weeks on top of the last period you earned?

In short, will I get 6 weeks credit for each review I post that's accepted (eg. I post 2 accepted reviews in the same week and I get 12 weeks access credit for them OR they clock independently of one another and I get 6 weeks from the most recent review accepted only).

2nd question based on the answer to the first: do I need to post a new review every 6 weeks in order to retain access?


ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-18-2015, 02:34 PM
Premium Access credit accumulates. For example, if you post 3 reviews in a day and all get approved you earn 18 weeks PA credit. One frequent reviewer in Austin is good through mid-2040.
