I am not one for drama at all. In fact I avoid it at all cost...However I am tired of assholes saying whatever they please about me and other girls for that matter...and not telling the truth about the entire experience when writing a "no" review In order to make the girls look as badly as possible and keep their hands and dicks clean. I received my first no review in midland. Needless to say that entire trip was quite a mess. Now, I can't read everything he said but going off what I can see and what people comment it is clear it wasn't too positive. NOW, it seems to me he was upset that he didn't necessarily get what he came for in reference to activites. Let me be clear in case this is not already known I AM YMMV meaning do not come to see me expecting the same thing as everyone else. If you are dirty, smell bad, are pushy or I just flat out don't click with you I'm not going to do extra shit to go against my morals, hygiene requirements and respect for myself in order to insure a "yes " review.
Now In reference to my newest no review from Mr Peter west. That one is complete bs because for months I have been ignoring him after he messaged me from two different handles and completely freaked me out a few times. THEREFORE I NEVER SAW HIM.He sends tons of pms and text with no response from me and I am not the only one he's done this to. ASIDE FROM HIM BEING A COMPLETE WEIRDO. I don't offer HH appointments Unless on a rare occasion with a established member. Which he is not. I AM ME, SWEET, HONEST AND GENUINE. AM I MODEL SKINNY? NO. NEVER CLAIMED TO BE. I HAVE HUGE BOOBS AND A ASS TO MATCH. I AM BALANCED SO I DONT FALL OVER I DONT HAVE A PUGGING BELLY THAT STICKS OUT FURTHER THAT MY BOOBS. IN FACT MY TUMMY IS FLAT. I DO HAVE COMPLICATED LOVE HANDLES SO THE FUCK WHAT. IF I COULD SHOW YOU MY FACE YOU'D AGREE I AM QUITE A PRETTY GIRL IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF.
Now I'll leave with this... men I know it's easy to just believe everything you hear from your fellow hobbyist. But please believe men have egos. When egos get bruised they're likely to retaliate.

That is all. Thanks for reading.
Four Sticks's Avatar
You're from Houston, you should have thicker skin by now. He probably feels different by the sounds of it. It's one review, you'll live, move on.
Lol thanks four. Yes us houston girls are tough which means we don't take bull shit easily. And this sir was more bull shit than my scale allows.
GneissGuy's Avatar

Large, bold text.
Pastel color.
No paragraphs.
Centered text.

Sorry you had troubles of some sort, but this is just

too pɹɐɥ to read.
Beagle's Avatar
Link to review, for the lazy:

nickjaguar's Avatar
"I'm not going to do extra shit to go against my morals, hygiene requirements and respect for myself in order to insure a "yes " review."

Um, you do realize what you do for a living, right? As for being YMMV, I have a question for you and any other YMMV providers. Are your rates YMMV? YMMV lends itself to unsatisfied clients. I'm not about to drop 200-300 and HOPE I get what I want. As for your love handles, if you posted pics accurately depicting your physique, that would probably not be an issue as clients would know what to expect. Pics strategically taken to hide the handles or any other issue are false advertising as far as I'm concerned.
Nick indeed I do know what I do captain obvious... I am saying if you are a nasty pick don't expect me to hold my nose and keep suckin. Or let you put your dirty nails anywhere near my ass or inside me. FFS. and if you're a disrespectful asshole dont exoect me to shut up and let you do as you please with me because I'm too afraid of what you'll say!
And no I don't adjust my donation because I have no way of knowing who the hell will show up at my door ahead of time. Guys are the only one that have that privilege. Now if a guy disclosed he wasn't the nicest or cleanest guy on the boards I'd gladly inform him I'm not the one for him, but that just doesn't happen. If a guy sees YMMV and is worried about it then he probably needs to avoid me and other YMMV providers and take a shower or learn some manners. And save us BOTH the disappointment.
Nick I peg you as one that considers us providers inhuman play things... as far as my pics go they are very accurate I have not a single professional pic done. And because of that reason they are taken by me... God forbid my arm only stretches out so far. And I take my pics to avoid showing my identifying tattoos which are everywhere again limiting my angles. I have plenty reviews describing me. I don't have things to hide.

Good day sir.
harleyrider64's Avatar
My two cents, and probably worth just that. Adagirl was about the 3rd or 4th person I saw after joining this group a year and a half ago or so. Since that time I have probably seen her a dozen times, including 3 or 4 doubles with well respected providers here. I have had nothing but positive experiences with her. She does have a life outside the hobby, so she might not be available anytime, anyplace, for anything. As far as updated pics, they might not be from last week but they are certainly not old. There is ink in her current pics that I personally know was not there a few months ago. As far as any bad dealings with who ever out west, I know nothing about that and it is none of my business or concern. There are two sides to every story, and I am not looking for any fight here. But I know I am not the only person here that has had positive experiences with her. She is a super sweet girl as far as I am concerned, and I will gladly see her again. I consider myself a pretty fair person, if I got bad service from her, or anyone else I am not going to sugarcoat it. But until that happens to me I am not going to let a bad review outweigh many positive ones, much less my personal experiences.
My two cents, and probably worth just that. Adagirl was about the 3rd or 4th person I saw after joining this group a year and a half ago or so. Since that time I have probably seen her a dozen times, including 3 or 4 doubles with well respected providers here. I have had nothing but positive experiences with her. She does have a life outside the hobby, so she might not be available anytime, anyplace, for anything. As far as updated pics, they might not be from last week but they are certainly not old. There is ink in her current pics that I personally know was not there a few months ago. As far as any bad dealings with who ever out west, I know nothing about that and it is none of my business or concern. There are two sides to every story, and I am not looking for any fight here. But I know I am not the only person here that has had positive experiences with her. She is a super sweet girl as far as I am concerned, and I will gladly see her again. I consider myself a pretty fair person, if I got bad service from her, or anyone else I am not going to sugarcoat it. But until that happens to me I am not going to let a bad review outweigh many positive ones, much less my personal experiences.
HR64 Originally Posted by harleyrider64

A 'no' review should be based on "she didn't provide what I paid for" period. You not getting what every other guy might have gotten, means nothing. Rates and advertisements are there for a reason. For the "I don't like ymmv" crowd, you should probably stick to the providers that have an a la carte menu on their showcase, its a simple math equation at that point - they do that for a reason.

Wow, this is pretty entertaining reading! I have two handles?? Please do tell what the other is Sherlock. You are a real piece of work darlin. Speaking of hygiene I was being nice by not mentioning she had the worst case of poop butt on a woman I have encountered. I think you might be in the wrong profession my dear.
Wow, this is pretty entertaining reading! I have two handles?? Please do tell what the other is Sherlock. You are a real piece of work darlin. Speaking of hygiene I was being nice by not mentioning she had the worst case of poop butt on a woman I have encountered. I think you might be in the wrong profession my dear. Originally Posted by peterwest97
I must have missed that in YOUR review of her…oh wait, its not in there. Its a bit odd that you have only 3 reviews, and they all were posted today…and on this one, your story keeps changing..and she's getting fatter and more hideous and now fecaly challenged as the day goes on...

Honestly, the poop thing could've been the "no" review by itself…odd that you didn't choose that.

Go ahead, write that down.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Dirty dick + poop butt and you two didn't do Greek?
Lmao... now you're being nice? And "poop butt?" wowwwww I'm pretty sure my child speaks at a higher level of intelligence...
SO let me get this right.... I was soooo bad and so nasty during our make believe session that you still said I was a very pretty girl and left out the poop? You are something else. And yes sir and I quote from your words "I created a different handle because I didn't like that one" yet, still proceeded to message from both for awhile. Mike Lowery wasn't it?

And you are such a stand up guy that you have made it to quite a few providers ignore list... what a honor! ; )

And two years on the board Mr west and your ONLY three reviews were written today? Why is that exactly?
Dirty dick + poop butt and you two didn't do Greek? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

You win the thread.