multiculturalism vs. diversity

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

multiculturalism vs. diversity

the left gets confused between the 2 things.

multiculture does not involve assimilation

diversity involves assimilation.
Multiculturalism and diversity have positives and negatives.

Unfortunately, the government has to force the parties to deal with the negatives and it divides our society.

On Sunday mornings many people voluntarily segregate themselves by race and ethnicity for their most sacred religious rituals - what does that tell us?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
E pluribus unum...out of many, one. We are not all the same but we used to share a common bond. Many common bonds actually. We agreed that we were all Americans. We agreed that our country was right but not always as right as it should be. We agreed that together we can fix our short comings. We agreed that to be successful, English was the predominant language.
Today, mainly on the left, many say the country is bad and the people are irredeemably deplorable. That country has been wrong and continues to be wrong. Immigrants have a right to NOT learn a common language but we as a country have to cater to them. That this country is irreparably broken. It cannot be fixed but must changed.
You know if I believed the latter sentiments, I might want to leave or start blowing things up.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
I am unashamedly an American nationalist and Constitutionalist. America first, EVERYONE else second. I believe if you wish to live here and call yourself an American, you should be the same...America first, your OLD country second...if you want to hold your OLD country above America...then you should be denied citizenship...and go "home" If you desire to place any other religious (Sharia)..or nations law above the Constitution, you should go where that is acceptable. Just like the majority of immigration history of this country demonstrates, once accepted as an American, you shed allegiance to your OLD country, and pledge allegiance to this country...and assimilate to the historical culture, doctrine, laws, history, benefits assigned all American citizens. Let the flame war begin.
  • mj850
  • 06-16-2019, 12:38 PM
I am unashamedly an American nationalist and Constitutionalist. America first, EVERYONE else second. I believe if you wish to live here and call yourself an American, you should be the same...America first, your OLD country second...if you want to hold your OLD country above America...then you should be denied citizenship...and go "home" If you desire to place any other religious (Sharia)..or nations law above the Constitution, you should go where that is acceptable. Just like the majority of immigration history of this country demonstrates, once accepted as an American, you shed allegiance to your OLD country, and pledge allegiance to this country...and assimilate to the historical culture, doctrine, laws, history, benefits assigned all American citizens. Let the flame war begin. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
Hear hear
All the foreigners pushing their way into Europe do not want to assimilate and never will. Just want free stuff they can't get in the country they are escaping from. We are experiencing the same with the Mexican border. I lived in California most of my life and saw first hand the problems illegals cause. Stick a fork in them because they are done. Thanks Nancy, Jerry and the rest of the selfish dirtbags for ruining a once great state for their own selfish gains.
  • oeb11
  • 06-16-2019, 02:04 PM
Thank you to all in this Thread - Hear , Hear!!
Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
Theodore Roosevelt 1907
We should really let California leave the union.

Fuck, we should pay them to leave.

Give them a trillion dollars then build the wall around them!

Then, we should take every loser on welfare and ship them to California, also. Let them live in all the highway underpasses in tents like a million other people do now anyway.

I would just sell my house and businesses and leave this shithole for good.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Dear right wing circle jerk. Thanks for letting us know you are a bunch of racist hillbillies. This attitude towards immigrants is no different than the attitude during the 19th century against Italians, Irish, and the Chinese, not to mention Native Americans. Today immigrants are Central American or Southeast Asian but these attitudes are no different today than what came before. Immigrants will eventually acclimate as US Citizens, their children will grow up speaking english and following the rule of law. However that requires patience, education and tolerance. Doesn't seem to be a lot of that in this forum.
  • mj850
  • 06-16-2019, 07:31 PM
Keep playing the race card fool. Fuck am I sick of it. I am only half white and won't say what the other half is lest I get attacked by closet racist lefties who believe anyone that isn't white has to think like them.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Keep playing the race card fool. Fuck am I sick of it. I am only half white and won't say what the other half is lest I get attacked by closet racist lefties who believe anyone that isn't white has to think like them. Originally Posted by mj850

Your right. I shouldn't use the word racist. However your statements about illegal immigrants are certainly xenophobic. Your statement that they will never assimilate is poppycock. I'm sure that's what people said about all immigrants over the centuries. I'll state again. If we want immigrants to assimilate it requires time, education, and tolerance. Send their kids to school and that generation will speak English, watch American movies, buy American products, etc etc.
Dear right wing circle jerk. Thanks for letting us know you are a bunch of racist hillbillies. This attitude towards immigrants is no different than the attitude during the 19th century against Italians, Irish, and the Chinese, not to mention Native Americans. Today immigrants are Central American or Southeast Asian but these attitudes are no different today than what came before. Immigrants will eventually acclimate as US Citizens, their children will grow up speaking english and following the rule of law. However that requires patience, education and tolerance. Doesn't seem to be a lot of that in this forum. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Who are you to judge? You should be ashamed at some of the stuff you post. You are so incredibly misinformed about every issue out there. That's not a judgement it's an observation.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny thing about socialists is everything But what they think is - some kinda PHOBIC
  • oeb11
  • 06-17-2019, 07:45 AM
Racism is the DPST stock in trade = they point that at everyone else
However, it is their own Plantation Racist politics that all "minorities" belong to them that is completely Racist.
Look at the hypocritical attacks on Candace Owen - the Horror - a Black Woman with her own off-the-Plantation opinion!!!!!
Racism is the DPST stock in trade = they point that at everyone else
However, it is their own Plantation Racist politics that all "minorities" belong to them that is completely Racist.
Look at the hypocritical attacks on Candace Owen - the Horror - a Black Woman with her own off-the-Plantation opinion!!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Candace Owen is giving the bastards hell!!

Fuckin loser DPST's!
  • oeb11
  • 06-17-2019, 02:33 PM

Your right. I shouldn't use the word racist. However your statements about illegal immigrants are certainly xenophobic. Your statement that they will never assimilate is poppycock. I'm sure that's what people said about all immigrants over the centuries. I'll state again. If we want immigrants to assimilate it requires time, education, and tolerance. Send their kids to school and that generation will speak English, watch American movies, buy American products, etc etc. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

TDG - Left out We want them to vote Democrat because we paid them - See Kalifornia free benefits - college, medical care, welfare, Living stipend, etc, etc for Illegal Aliens. I am fine with Legal Immigration. DPST's like TDG - like buying Voters for DPST Future candidates.

DPST's a re creating a group more equal under the Law than any other person or citizen lawfully in this country. They are bringing in MS-13 gang bangers, human traffikers, drug traders, and their Acolyte Schumer loudly proclaims -"No border problem". Hypocritical NY'er - let BP dump illegals in his neighborhood and hear the hypocrisy - just as Pelosi screamed about illegals coming to her ritzy SF Enclave.

"Racist" - right - that is a word reserved for DPST use against anyone they disagree with. Meanwhile the racist poliitcs are the DPST Plantation politics of "Owning" minorities.