Without your participation, bringing to light the danger a Whore presents to others and damaging her ability to continue to do business putting others at risk would not be possible. A Thank-you to the White Nights and Meddling Mandles

Whispers's Avatar
What's that saying about the noise one hand clapping makes?

Any time an issue is presented it dies off quickly without discussion or debate.

Some issues fade from the front page in hours and with others it might be a few days..... but with the help of our newest GT27 & Tink Tank in addition to our regular supportive mandles Saustin, Johnny Yanks, Observing and inspector farquar it is possible to keep the drama surrounding an offending whore alive for weeks and the effects on her business can last months..... Some potential clients are lost forever.

I just wanted to make sure in a thread of it's own to let you know that your partipation, although it does not make any difference for the cause you side with, is still needed none the less....
Still Looking's Avatar
Bumped my ASSHOLE threAD right off the front page in nothing flat! Hell I was winning too...
Bumped my ASSHOLE threAD right off the front page in nothing flat! Hell I was winning too... Originally Posted by Still Looking
You bump your own threads all the time even if you were last poster on the thread.
Still Looking's Avatar
You bump your own threads all the time even if you were last poster on the thread. Originally Posted by Observing
That really bothers you... doesn't it?
Gotta love all the post and threads that wouldn't exist without them.
They take offense, mount up on their crusade over a post they don't care for, then they get all smart ass, and boom... lots of threads and post, all with the genesis of their single wk act.
You bump your own threads all the time even if you were last poster on the thread. Originally Posted by Observing
Totally despicable behavior by a member with SL's history and background. Just a Man-Whore who will do anything for pussy and a good time.

Wait, that's what all the guys should be doing--seeking out hot pussy and a good time. Nothing wrong with bragging about what is true. Go for it SL, and keep the hot reviews coming.

It had been boring before your returned. Loving it all, including the tet at tet with other guys who don't get it...
Whispers's Avatar
It had been boring before your returned. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
Still Looking's Avatar
I followed in others foot steps and others will follow in mine. Well except a few ATF'S I'm keeping them.
Whispers's Avatar
Gotta love all the post and threads that wouldn't exist without them.
They take offense, mount up on their crusade over a post they don't care for, then they get all smart ass, and boom... lots of threads and post, all with the genesis of their single wk act. Originally Posted by rockerrick
They help keep CoEd interesting!
Treetop78759's Avatar
Thank you.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I thought the purpose of this site was to Exchange Information on members (much of which is questionable or blatantly false), NOT create DRAMA for the purpose of creating DRAMA !!!! Maybe the name of this site is a lie??
Precious_b's Avatar
Speaking of a WK posting

I miss Dieu-Dieu. Wonder what became of him?