Question for the ladies.

BeautifulBecki78's Avatar
Ladies just a question don’t take no offense to it.
Why are 90% of y’all doing full gfe for 100something do y’all not value yourself n health. If y’all going to be gfe cool but damn if you don’t value y’all selfs these guys sure as hell won’t. STOP LOW BALLING yourselves!!!
One word - Cash is King - oppsie that was 3 words but you know what I mean.
Neville’s Haze's Avatar
They like eating, and having a roof over their head.
Who the hell made you the judge of their worth as a product?
Or the guru of their pricing of services.
I’d say you might be overpaid for yours, but I doubt your beating them off with sticks.

Guys advice to you is to stay away from hookers like this at all cost.
Britttany_love's Avatar
First off 90% what an over exhaggeration most ladies in austin have hh's starting @$200.

Why is it any of your business to judge someone else's decisions? Coming on here and slamming ladies who don't have the same business model as yourself is rather judgemental and quite catty. A ladies health is at risk no matter the rate. A hundred dollar an hr girl is no safer than a $300 an hour girl. I guess a high dollar girl can't catch the herp or the clap because at $300 an hour classy girls are immune? We all sign up for this job so I'm sure all ladies are well aware of the pros and cons and by offering full gfe they obviously know the possible consequences. Being a GFE provider does not mean I don't value myself or my safety thats just nonsense. I've been in the hobby for 10 years always gfe and have never had a single health scare.

How about you focus on yourself and not how other professionals run their business. You do you and they will do it for themselves. A ladies rate is her business and she doesn't need your insults or you telling her how to run her business. $100 from 1 date is more than some make after a full day of work busting their ass for 8 hours. That small amount to you could be what puts food on the table for a struggling single mom, keeps the electricity on or keeps her car from getting repo'd!

I would rather make a $100 and pay my Bill's then be an entitled snob with golden pussy syndrome thinking I'm some how better than any of these amazing ladies here we have here in austin!

How about you quit judging and breaking down other ladies and work to build them up.
I have over a 70% return rate and that is even without being able to post details here. But I do love the other boards which are not US based.
BeautifulBecki78's Avatar
Like I said don’t take offense to it. Y’all ladies r beautiful but to have interactions bare for 100 or 200 is low balling talks selfs. Is what I’m saying. What’s y’all do is none of my business but y’all do value yourself if that’s what u charge. N I see a lot of y’alls rates n most r not bad. N my rates r not over priced for whoever damn ass said that. N I can give my websites n other reviews if you’d like. I wasn’t basting anyone I was simply asking a question on y do most girls on here charge so little for bbf. N be chancing stds n hiv for 100-200. There a girl on here in Austin doing hr bbf for 200. Smfh. This y I’m asking
winn dixie's Avatar
Like I said don’t take offense to it. Y’all ladies r beautiful but to have interactions bare for 100 or 200 is low balling talks selfs. Is what I’m saying. What’s y’all do is none of my business but y’all do value yourself if that’s what u charge. N I see a lot of y’alls rates n most r not bad. N my rates r not over priced for whoever damn ass said that. N I can give my websites n other reviews if you’d like. I wasn’t basting anyone I was simply asking a question on y do most girls on here charge so little for bbf. N be chancing stds n hiv for 100-200. There a girl on here in Austin doing hr bbf for 200. Smfh. This y I’m asking Originally Posted by BeautifulBecki78
Yeah, time to run along.
Neville’s Haze's Avatar
Can’t wait to see your tour here.
Failure written all over you.
BeautifulBecki78's Avatar
Lmfao I’m actually doing great here a lot of regular. Y’all that r getting mad so y’all must be the ones offer bbf for
BeautifulBecki78's Avatar
Lmfao no one said my pussy golden or I’m a snob. I’m the most laid back person ever. But I value my health so no I wouldn’t do bbf for no 100 or 200. Period cuz your at a higher chance of getting stds.
Neville’s Haze's Avatar
Funny you’re from Dallas where barebacking hookers are so much cheaper than here.
I’d say you are talking shit, and will have 0 sessions reviewed , 0 shits given.
Everyone knows when a hooker talks shit like this, it’s because they are desperate and failing miserably!
BeautifulBecki78's Avatar
Jajajaj. First I’m not from dallas second I have more the 2-3 pages of reviews n reviews on other credited sites n I have no problem getting clients. Like I said I didn’t post this to offend anyone I was asking a question.
winn dixie's Avatar
Jajajaj. First I’m not from dallas second I have more the 2-3 pages of reviews n reviews on other credited sites n I have no problem getting clients. Like I said I didn’t post this to offend anyone I was asking a question. Originally Posted by BeautifulBecki78
If you're so successful on other sites and you get your inflated rates, why are you starting drama here? Why are you making things up and disrespecting the ladies here?
Britttany_love's Avatar
Jajajaj. First I’m not from dallas second I have more the 2-3 pages of reviews n reviews on other credited sites n I have no problem getting clients. Like I said I didn’t post this to offend anyone I was asking a question. Originally Posted by BeautifulBecki78
You did not ask a question. You came into austin coed with some holier than thou attitude slamming a bunch of ladies whose rates and services are not up to par with what you find acceptable. By your recent comment you seem to be assuming these ladies are also providing bbfs. You need to do better research. BBFS happens in every damn city on every board so you are just now somehow worrried and bothered by it? You do know you signed up to sell sex for money with complete strangers whom you know literally nothing about nor do you know how safe and clean they are right? You made an assumption that 90% of austin ladies with low rates have no self respect and care nothing about their safety that's disrespectul. If you value your health then you run your business safe and quit worrying about what other ladies do an don't do. You have the same chance of catching stds in the civilian world as here where I guarantee a larger number of people aren't using condoms and not testing. Most austin ladies I know take testing and what not very seriously and can bet you are much safer here with a professional than with a one night stand from a bar.