Ft Hood Shooting Victims To Receive Purple Hearts

Please join me in congratulating the long overdue Purple Hearts and associated benefits to the victims of Lt Hasan.

Army Secretary John McHugh has approved the awarding of the Purple Heart to the military victims of the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood that left 13 people dead, the Army announced Friday. The civilian counterpart of the Purple Heart award - the Secretary of Defense Medal for the Defense of Freedom - will be conferred on the civilian victims of the shooting.

McHugh was freed to extend the awards after Congress recently broadened the guidelines specifying who is eligible to receive them. The Purple Heart can be awarded to military members who suffer combat injuries, including injuries suffered at the hands of a foreign terrorist organization. As part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2015, Congress redefined an attack by a "foreign terrorist organization" to include any attack in which the perpetrator was in communication with or inspired by foreign terrorist elements before the attack. The previous criteria required evidence that the perpetrator was acting at the direction of a foreign terrorist organization.
Excellent read!
Great News!!!
About FN time!!!!
I guess I will be the stick in the mud here.

If you were ever in the military, and in a combat zone, you wake up with the expectation that some type of harm might be bestowed upon you. It goes with the territory.

If you are placed in this situation, and are wounded, the military recognizes the danger you were in, and recognizes your sacrifice by the awarding of the Purple Heart.

Those soldiers at Ft Hood were not in a combat zone. They were eating breakfast, with no more cause to fear being harmed than a civilian sitting in a cafe doing the same thing in down town Killeen.

I am sorry for those who this piece of shit decided to shoot that morning in the name of his God. But the simple fact is, they were victims, not heroes.

When you start handing out commendations for things such as the Ft Hood Shooting, you tend to cheapen the meaning of the commendation.

So, as a holder of The Purple Heart, I said what I think. Now, beat me up.
I guess I will be the stick in the mud here.

If you were ever in the military, and in a combat zone, you wake up with the expectation that some type of harm might be bestowed upon you. It goes with the territory.

If you are placed in this situation, and are wounded, the military recognizes the danger you were in, and recognizes your sacrifice by the awarding of the Purple Heart.

Those soldiers at Ft Hood were not in a combat zone. They were eating breakfast, with no more cause to fear being harmed than a civilian sitting in a cafe doing the same thing in down town Killeen.

I am sorry for those who this piece of shit decided to shoot that morning in the name of his God. But the simple fact is, they were victims, not heroes.

When you start handing out commendations for things such as the Ft Hood Shooting, you tend to cheapen the meaning of the commendation.

So, as a holder of The Purple Heart, I said what I think. Now, beat me up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You fought for our right to disagree. Thank you for that! Nobody is going to say a word against you or they will have to deal with the other 99.9% of us.
Guest062716's Avatar
I guess I will be the stick in the mud here.

If you were ever in the military, and in a combat zone, you wake up with the expectation that some type of harm might be bestowed upon you. It goes with the territory.

If you are placed in this situation, and are wounded, the military recognizes the danger you were in, and recognizes your sacrifice by the awarding of the Purple Heart.

Those soldiers at Ft Hood were not in a combat zone. They were eating breakfast, with no more cause to fear being harmed than a civilian sitting in a cafe doing the same thing in down town Killeen.

Simply put, they were victims, not heros.

When you start handing out commendations for things such as the Ft Hood Shooting, you tend to cheapen the meaning of the commendation.

So, as a holder of The Purple Heart, I said what I think. Now, beat me up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I respectfully disagree with you.

Let us start with some facts. The purple heart is the oldest military award still awarded to soldiers. It was first awarded back in 1932 and was awarded for actions going back to 1917.

The Purple Heart is awarded for "Being wounded or killed in any action against an enemy of the United States or as a result of an act of any such enemy or opposing armed forces."

Last time I checked, these brave men and women were either killed or wounded in as a result of an act of an enemy: Major Nidal Hasan, a confessed radical Islamic terrorist and confessed enemy of the United States.

That in itself, should end your argument.

You clearly were not there, nor do you appear to be aware of the facts or circumstances of this incidence of domestic terrorism.

13 brave men and women, DA civilians as well as soldiers, were murdered by a radical Islamic terrorist, and 32 people were wounded in this pre-meditated attack.

The attacker fired 214 rounds, and only stopped after her was shot and disarmed.

This did NOT happen during breakfast, as you stated. This act of domestic terrorism occurred at 1:34 in the afternoon, well after lunch, as most of these men and women were working at, or being processed at, a medical processing point for soldier readiness. in prep for them to deploy overseas.

The fact that this processing point was on US soil should make no difference with respect to an award of the Purple Heart. Their deaths and wounds were caused by an enemy, during an time of war. The fact that the war has been brought to our soil is of no consequence with respect to this award. Period.

The fact that these soldiers were denied the PH as well as the TREATMENT and COMPENSATION for their injuries, incurred during a time of combat, for as long as they were, is unforgivable.

You are welcome to your opinion sir, irrespective of the false statements you made and your attempt to discredit them as "not heroes."

I suspect the aforementioned “stick”, in your statement , is not in the mud, rather elsewhere.

Respectfully submitted,


(22 years on active duty, 10 of those years at Fort Hood, recipient of the Legion of Merit)
I guess I will be the stick in the mud here.

If you were ever in the military, and in a combat zone, you wake up with the expectation that some type of harm might be bestowed upon you. It goes with the territory.

If you are placed in this situation, and are wounded, the military recognizes the danger you were in, and recognizes your sacrifice by the awarding of the Purple Heart.

Those soldiers at Ft Hood were not in a combat zone. They were eating breakfast, with no more cause to fear being harmed than a civilian sitting in a cafe doing the same thing in down town Killeen.

I am sorry for those who this piece of shit decided to shoot that morning in the name of his God. But the simple fact is, they were victims, not heroes.

When you start handing out commendations for things such as the Ft Hood Shooting, you tend to cheapen the meaning of the commendation.

So, as a holder of The Purple Heart, I said what I think. Now, beat me up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
As a holder you have every right to your opinion. I was just happy to see them shown something for losing their lives in the service of our country. It was the least to be done for them . .
OldSarge, I was drafted. While I did not ask for any of it, like so many others, I went.

By the way. I was also a "Sarge", an E-5, under two. Actually, pretty common back in the '60's,

I wish you hadn't resorted to your cute little "stick" comment in what has been a civil discussion.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess I will be the stick in the mud here.

If you were ever in the military, and in a combat zone, you wake up with the expectation that some type of harm might be bestowed upon you. It goes with the territory.

If you are placed in this situation, and are wounded, the military recognizes the danger you were in, and recognizes your sacrifice by the awarding of the Purple Heart.

Those soldiers at Ft Hood were not in a combat zone. They were eating breakfast, with no more cause to fear being harmed than a civilian sitting in a cafe doing the same thing in down town Killeen.

I am sorry for those who this piece of shit decided to shoot that morning in the name of his God. But the simple fact is, they were victims, not heroes.

When you start handing out commendations for things such as the Ft Hood Shooting, you tend to cheapen the meaning of the commendation.

So, as a holder of The Purple Heart, I said what I think. Now, beat me up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Lets not forget how John Kerry won at at least one of his Purple Hearts. It was not enemy action.

We need to accept the fact that this is World War III and it can be fought at any time or place. People from 50 different countries have gone to join in the jihad and the territory being gobbled up is getting bigger. We have have units (a military term to be sure) inside the US, England, Germany, and Canada. These soldiers died as a result of an enemy action and finally Obama was overturned in trying to convince us that this was "workplace violence".

I would also point out that anyone killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor would not be eligible for a Purple Heart since we were not at war with Japan until a day later. Do you want to argue that?
Guest062716's Avatar
OldSarge, I was drafted. While I did not ask for any of it, like so many others, I went.

By the way. I was also a "Sarge", an E-5, under two. Actually, pretty common back in the '60's,

I wish you hadn't resorted to your cute little "stick" comment in what has been a civil discussion. Originally Posted by Jackie S
My apologies, sir, for the stick comment. Civil discourse and respectful disagreement are always the best.

FWIW, my father served 30 years. He did his tour in Cam Ranh.

Thank you for your service, sir.



Couldn't Obama have used his EO powers (and Commander-In-Chief) powers to award purple hearts. He didn't need Congressional approval did he?

Obama is proud that he has used EO to skirt Congress, so why not with regard to Purple Heart?

The Purple Heart was established by General George Washington at Newburgh, New York, on 7 August 1782,
during the Revolutionary War. It was reestablished by the President of the United States per War Department General Orders 3, 1932 and is currently awarded pursuant to Executive Order 11016, 25 April 1962..

Would you rather have the awards come from congress or Obama whirrly?
  • DSK
  • 02-09-2015, 10:21 AM
Please join me in congratulating the long overdue Purple Hearts and associated benefits to the victims of Lt Hasan.

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/victims-...mary+Source%29 Originally Posted by gnadfly
I too congratulate them.
Do you have an answer to my question?

Who/how they receive the medal makes no difference to me; the Fort Hood victims should have received the PH years ago.

Why didn't Obama just order it to be done?

He ordered millions of dreamers to get citizenship. He orders a whole of of other dictatorial shit, by passing congress and ignoring constitutional limits.

Would you rather have the awards come from congress or Obama whirrly? Originally Posted by i'va biggen