I have a really nice dark blue Ford F-150 Lariat with 33,000 miles on it. I am thinking about selling it but it has some fond memories. I have had Krystalconrad, Ginger Fixxx, Bailey brooks and Kate Madison in this vehicle for DFW excursions and some for out of state excursions. Several memorable things have happened in the vehicle (If you know these ladies, I'm sure you can imagine) with each one.
A. Should I sell it and ask for more money since it has carried such a fine cargo?
B. Keep it until the wheels fall off and add others to the cargo list.
C. Buy a new vehicle and start over again (I'm sort of wanting a corvette).
D. It really doesn't matter about the cargo, just sell it for whatever you can get for it.
E. Other comments
Just wondering what you mongers would do... decisions, decisions, what' a guy to do.