How to book with BMD?

Been trying to book with Buttman's Dream forever. I don't think she likes lunch time or early afternoon. When I try to schedule, we get to the last stage and then no response. I think I'm on the 6th time trying to book with her.

Anyone have any advice? I'm excited to meet her, if I can ever make it happen lol.
Dude , just send her a private message or call her it's that easy I'm sure & follow her rules with whatever else she might have ?

I'm trying to reach her telepathically for you right now though hold on��
Dude , just send her a private message or call her it's that easy I'm sure & follow her rules with whatever else she might have ?

I'm trying to reach her telepathically for you right now though hold on�� Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA

I wish! She's super nice and responds, but the scheduled time always comes and goes without communication. I notice she often says that afternoon is fine but will not be able to make it and request a night time slot at the last minute.

Just asking if anyone that has had success in meeting with her has figured out any tips on time/days? I just need to plan ahead for my time and can't do last minute changes.

Yeah, I’ve been trying to reach VenNova telepathically for awhile now. But she’s always busy reaching out telepathically to other people.. so you know… tough gig reaching ppl telepathically nowadays.

Warm regards,
pyramider's Avatar
The OP should just take the hint.
Samcro84's Avatar
Been trying to book with Buttman's Dream forever. I don't think she likes lunch time or early afternoon. When I try to schedule, we get to the last stage and then no response. I think I'm on the 6th time trying to book with her.

Anyone have any advice? I'm excited to meet her, if I can ever make it happen lol. Originally Posted by Candl3
6th time? I would have moved on after 2nd.