How to do a review of your favorite provider without dangling her off the edge.

LovingKayla's Avatar
Step 1: Ask her if she even wants reviews.

Step 2: Never list anything in the review that she doesn't already list on her site.
A: Exact location (I hate to break it to you but most providers have someone in their life they would rather not know where they are.)

B. Specific acts. Especially for Body work style providers, we like to keep that stuff on the down low. If she doesn't list something, it's probably because she doesn't want the masses thinking that's available to just everyone.

C. Phone number: Be sure the number you post is something she has out there for everyone.

Most of us enjoy reviews but please be considerate in your writing. I know it's never anyone's intent to harm their provider with a review but you should know that you very well can.

And friends of providers always send a fast PM if you see a review (no matter how old) that has info you know she wouldn't want. It's appreciated far more than you know.

Girls, what did I miss?
but it seems based on the premise that reviews are there to help the provider [ which if the service, price tcb bcd is great it will do just that] when in fact the review is to help the hobbiest make informed decisions and end up seeing provideres that meet their needs and are likely to be a match for their tastes. by concealing much info the review is rendered useless to the hobbiest and becomes nothing more than a glorified ad.
LovingKayla's Avatar
If you are suggesting that including things in a review that could be harmful to the provider, is the way to go, I believe you will be up against a wall of opposition.

Reviews ARE there to help the hobbyist, but NOT at the providers expense. Ever.

Well ladies, what do you have to say about the suggestion that all those things I listed should actually be in the review no matter the cost to the provider?

I can't imagine someone as seasoned as your profile leads me to believe would actually say that. Is this a troll attempt or do you actually believe what you wrote? What you said and what I said are two completely different things. How do you interpret differently? I'd actually really like to know.

I agree with you on most points, I also agree with the notion of not putting "certain" things in the reviews that is and should be between the two parties, however, in the ROS, I think it is logical that when/if a provider goes above and beyond her service menu, then it should be put in the review with the caveat being that it is YMMV depending on the client's hygiene, respectfulness, comfort level, ect.

If it is an honest review from the hobbyists POV, and he is not "satisfied", while it is wrong to bash/degrade her, it should be good to point out what he did and did not like, after all, it is his money and he is paying you to provide a service that he has done much research on to see you and when you do not provide that "listed" service or just "go through the motions", he should be able to say what he sees fit, within reason, in his review. Do not get me wrong, if a provider does not go above and beyond, but does do the "services" listed on her menu she has provided through her website, showcase, ect, and at least the IOP is prevalent, then the hobbyist should do a "yes" recommendation review.

Although, LK, you do not have to worry about any bad reviews!!
Most of us enjoy reviews but please be considerate in your writing. I know it's never anyone's intent to harm their provider with a review but you should know that you very well can. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Sadly, sometimes common sense and manners are amazingly absent in the hobby...
exact location and phone number if not out on public display i would agree with you 100 percent. exact location should never be given and phone number should only be listed if out in public forums by the providers choosing. as for the other points i disagree in some ways. for a guy to ask if provider wants a review would benefit poor providers who could give bad service and ask for no review policy. if a woman is going to advertize for customers it is reasonable that the customer will share information about the services. each particular activity will always be your milage. often the massage or fbsm women will be vague and a guy will not know what he is going to get for his donation until its too late.

you would be a good example. without reviews a guy might not know if he were going to simply get a massage or if he were going to get full service. based on your reviews it appears in most cases the guy can expect a massage and likely a bbbj and while a few men may find that great many men knowing that fs is not on the table will opt for other choices therefore saving the man a good chunk of change and a disappointing session and keep the lady from attracting customers that desire more than she may be comfortable in providing.

while the wink wink on the down low innuendo type of advertizing might be desirable for some ladies including yourself i can assure you that is not what guys on this board are seeking. a guy wants to know is kissing, daty ,cim , greek, msog part of the equation and for each individual different responses will trigger different decisions. you charge $250 hr and offer what you feel is fair and just for that fee for a guy to know what to expect , the quality and duration of said activities is not unreasonable. if you think it is advertize that it is only a massage and nothing else and see how many appointments you get. if in fact there are enough guys that book with that understanding proble solved if not being up front should present no problems. just my thoughts as an experienced board member
If you are suggesting that including things in a review that could be harmful to the provider, is the way to go, I believe you will be up against a wall of opposition.

Reviews ARE there to help the hobbyist, but NOT at the providers expense. Ever.

Well ladies, what do you have to say about the suggestion that all those things I listed should actually be in the review no matter the cost to the provider?

I can't imagine someone as seasoned as your profile leads me to believe would actually say that. Is this a troll attempt or do you actually believe what you wrote? What you said and what I said are two completely different things. How do you interpret differently? I'd actually really like to know. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Tx Noob's Avatar
If you are suggesting that including things in a review that could be harmful to the provider, is the way to go, I believe you will be up against a wall of opposition.

Reviews ARE there to help the hobbyist, but NOT at the providers expense. Ever.

Well ladies, what do you have to say about the suggestion that all those things I listed should actually be in the review no matter the cost to the provider? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
This is why I don't post negative reviews. The way I look at it, if I had a bad experience I usually put it down to bad chemistry, or maybe one of us is just having a bad day. If it was a bad session, I won't waste time writing about it. I'll just move on to the next one or I'll reschedule and try again.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Giving too specific a location is the number one problem I've seen. A fairly new girl has set up shop just a few blocks from my house apparently. Her early reviews gave the name of the town (small by metroplex standards) and the street corner (nothing there but one of the two or three apartment complexes in town).

So, I PM'ed her and the reviewers to remind them that this little town has an over abundance of LE and shouldn't even be mentioned in a review. I've got to confess, it would sure be handy and she seems to be pretty cute, just too close for comfort.
HAD bothered to write the negative review you would not have wasted your time and money. i take reviews with a grain of salt but if 5 guys said cbj i am not expecting bbbj and if 4 guys describe as bbw not expecting a spinner. the consistantly great revies spur me to book the consistantly bad ones prevent me from booking. if we all decide we would rather not say anything at all if we don't have anything good to say maybe we should not be surprised or upset when we get less than we expect.
This is why I don't post negative reviews. The way I look at it, if I had a bad experience I usually put it down to bad chemistry, or maybe one of us is just having a bad day. If it was a bad session, I won't waste time writing about it. I'll just move on to the next one or I'll reschedule and try again. Originally Posted by Tx Noob
steeplechase's Avatar
LK, thanks for sharing these tips. I see a favorite lady regularly and am pretty sure I get some YMMV benefits and know a little more about her than others might know if they've only seen her once. I have been working on a review of her and have tried to steer clear of divulging things that may not be meant for all to know. I count on the ladies to be discreet and while us guys should be fair and honest in our reviews, I think it is also good for us to exercise discretion appropriately.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I have trouble following your train of thought (I'm sure the fault lies with me) so please forgive me if the replys woven in are equally hard to read.

exact location and phone number if not out on public display i would agree with you 100 percent. exact location should never be given and phone number should only be listed if out in public forums by the providers choosing. as for the other points i disagree in some ways. for a guy to ask if provider wants a review would benefit poor providers who could give bad service and ask for no review policy. if a woman is going to advertize for customers it is reasonable that the customer will share information about the services.Yes is it reasonable UNLESS she has specifically asked for no reviews or that specific services be left out. There could be a crazy stalker involved and she can't have information out there that she can't control.

each particular activity will always be your milage.That is not always a given.

often the massage or fbsm women will be vague because we have to be and a guy will not know what he is going to get for his donation until its too late. only if he is a poor researcher.

you would be a good example. (I'm actually not a good example because I've been around long enough for just about every one to know that you don't come see me for FS. (not that it's not offered occasionally) There are a million providers out there to fuck. You see me specifically for the trained service I provide. I'm a niche. If you get more then bonus to you, but there is not always time for more.) There are many factors to consider that hobbyist don't think about because it's not your ass on the line in reviews.) without reviews a guy might not know if he were going to simply get a massage or if he were going to get full service. based on your reviews it appears in most cases the guy can expect a massage and likely a bbbj and while a few men may find that great many men knowing that fs is not on the table will opt for other choices therefore saving the man a good chunk of change and a disappointing session and keep the lady from attracting customers that desire more than she may be comfortable in providing. If she posts publicly that she is non FS and someone reviews her as FS, how exactly does that not translate into something of harm for the provider. There are many that claim no FS but do it BCD where their SO or family don't know. You must take her at face value. Period.

while the wink wink on the down low innuendo type of advertizing might be desirable for some ladies including yourself i can assure you that is not what guys on this board are seeking. I can equally assure you that even though you perceive that is fact, it is not. Sure there is a percentage of guys that think like you do, but 90% of my personal clients do not. Maybe it's different in the south? All penis's speak the same language. I get that too. You are still missing my point.

a guy wants to know is kissing, daty ,cim , greek, msog part of the equation and for each individual different responses will trigger different decisions. Again, if SHE posts, then you're good. you charge $250 hr I do not charge 250 hr. and offer what you feel is fair and just for that fee for a guy to know what to expect , the quality and duration of said activities is not unreasonable. if you think it is advertize that it is only a massage and nothing else and see how many appointments you would be very surprised

if in fact there are enough guys that book with that understanding proble solved if not being up front should present no problems. just my thoughts as an experienced board member Just because you have posted 2600 times in a bit more than a year and have 16 reviews (all in New York) does not automatically qualify as an experienced board member. I'm not debating that you do have experience but You are striking me as a democrat (or is it republican, I can't remember which one is pissing me off more right now) in how closed minded you are to the providers side of this equation. Myself, along with every other provider gets the concept that she must have truthful everything. That is not what this thread is about. It's simply a curtsey thread for those that don't know. Forgive me for saying this but you seem to not know. Don't come to the south with that same mind set. The pickings might be shallow. Originally Posted by petiteassman
I think there is a disconnect between the OP & the comments:

1. Ask if she wants a review is easy enough. If she has a no review policy, she by default has a no ECCIE ad policy. If she wants to advertise on ECCIE, but does not want reviews, then she can either refuse to see a guy a second time who writes a review, or make it part of her negotiations PRIOR to the meeting that she wants no reviews. The guy is then free to take his fishing pole to a different pond.

2. Don't be too specific on the address. That sounds simple enough and I am not sure anyone is arguing that point. Do you really want LE staking out the place the next time you visit?

3. Specific Acts: I got to tell you, I have frequently gotten more activities than are listed in a provider's ad or showcase, or most of her reviews. I would agree that if she offers you special upgrades (for more $$ or at her regular rate), that is a YMMV activity and blabbing about it is probably the best way to lose those privileges. If it ain't on the table normally, then it is probably best kept to yourself. If she cuts services back on you, well, that is worthy of noting so guys going to see her are not surprised when she no longer offers CIM, for instance, to every Tom, DICK, or Harry.

4. Telephone numbers are often a guarded piece of intel in this business. If she don't publish it, she probably doesn't want the general masses to have it. If it is published, then I would say tough luck, go ahead and put it down. Of course, for some of the BP gals, that may be a piece of intel that leads to a lot of negative press for them.

Reviews are meant to share intel, but they should never put a provider at risk from LE, from being outed to family, from being targetted by some perverted stalker, etc.

My whole basis for being here is to obtain intel that keeps my ass safe.

Oh, and I have RTM'd many a review for being too open with information about a lady. (Though, actually, of late, not so much.)
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Generally speaking...I know as providers we get a little cranky when we see post by hobbyist seeming to help providers run their biz. "suggestions" "btw" "fyi"

Maybe the same thing is happening here.
Hobbyist see post by provider seeming to help hobbyist write a review. "suggestions" "btw" "fyi"

I see LK's post as a thoughtful "security issue" topic. Seen from a providers perspective. At least as far as location and phone number. Not familiar with body work style providers she mentioned. Licensing I dunno

I can relate to having both location and phone number compromised. More than once. I don't believe it malicious. Probably hobbyist trying to be helpful to fellow hobbyist. Not thinking of potential consequences to the providers security.
LovingKayla's Avatar
OK now hold on, I didn't mean to not post a deserved bad review. I simply intend to convey that exact location, and any act she doesn't list should be left off the review.

This really is not rocket science. I swear.
LK, thanks for sharing these tips. I see a favorite lady regularly and am pretty sure I get some YMMV benefits and know a little more about her than others might know if they've only seen her once. I have been working on a review of her and have tried to steer clear of divulging things that may not be meant for all to know. I count on the ladies to be discreet and while us guys should be fair and honest in our reviews, I think it is also good for us to exercise discretion appropriately. Originally Posted by steeplechase
I think this sums up a good portion of what Kayla was talking about. A bad review is just that...a review of a bad experience, not what the original post was aiming at IMHO.

Some possible examples Kayla WAS referring to; providing phone number when none is listed in profile or P 411, being explicit about services not listed (especially in the case of RMT's) over embellishing causing the ladies problems with future clients expecting services that were never available, revealing personal information, etc...