Just wanted too say Thank you too all my Fans and friends who have stuck up for me on my Review.

I wanted too tell all my friends and friends that have come on too that crazy review that was written about me and have stuck up for me and said the things that yall have said. This man is a crazy messed up individual. The mods and staff are working on this problem as we speak. There will be more too come once this person is found out too be a liar. Its great too know that I have so many people that have my back and are there for me. But Please all Tara's wk lets that this review die down and be dealt with by the people that can do that. This man will get what's coming too him.

I have the best group of fans and support and that's all that really matters.
I love you guys. Yall Rock, Love, Tara Evans
Closed @ request of ^