BDD dancers hanging out upstairs

Do you all approach the dancers sitting around upstairs at Baby Dolls Dallas to get dances and more….
I understand dancers waking the floor downstairs, they are motivated and ready for dances/negotiations. But if they are in a chair or at bar upstairs, are they as motivated or taking a breather.
To be honest I usually sit at the downstairs bar and they come by. But I’m wondering if I need to change up and grab a seat upstairs and approach there because there are many girls there.
CG2014's Avatar
I seen them dancers sitting at the bar upstairs. I had a few when I walk by they look at me and approach me or give me a smile and if I am interested in them, I stop and talk to them.

Then there are those that sit there and don't even acknowledge you going by or they are immersed in their phones, I don't pay them any attention.

But yes, you can talk to them.
txexetoo's Avatar
Never talk to you them. 99% of them are Cubans and I have no use for them
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
No matter where they are, if a dancer is on the floor and an occupied by another customer, you can always go up to her and say hello. The dancers have to come up to me. I would not beg to spend my money, but that is just my opinion.
You can signal your interest in many ways.

When you chase them, you become the prey. $$$$
CG2014's Avatar
Was there for about 1 1/3 hours last night. I did go upstairs. 7 dancers sitting/standing around upstairs bar. Not one looked up from their phones or even gave a quick one second glance toward my direction to see who is walking/standing near them when I stood at the bar to say hi to bartender and inquire about vodka shots . No environment surroundings awareness did those dancers had.