Do the potential providers you contact practice common courtesy?

Get Lucky's Avatar
I just don't know if it is me or not. I have run into a bad streak of providers not returning initial email communications. Ladies...if you advertise with an email address...then I presume it is ok to try and contact you. I have contacted several kc providers to no avail. Certain providers here must be doing such a great that the don't need my $$$$. Anyone else experiencing this situation?
Hey Get Lucky, welcome to the hobby world. Many answers to your question.

Some are as solid as the girl makes her "nut" and then enjoy their private life, thus
answering e-mails or phone messages simply are not a priority, and understandably.

To the other extreme, which only after awhile of playing in the hobby, do you finally not really totally understand, but just come to accept.

But don't get discourage, keep trying and eventually you'll hit a period where they'll answer. As you build up a regular base of girls that you see more regularly, this problem will not be nearly as bad.

And of course, be careful how you word your initial contact with them, and then give them a reseaonable amt of time to respond.

And then there are the flaky ones, which trying to figure out what's up will only give you a headache.
Fastcar's Avatar
I have wondered the same thing. Providers continue to pay for premium ads on all the sites and then never respond. Even viewing your p411 profile and then no contact???
ScubaBad's Avatar
Although they seem few and far between in our good city, you will know the professional ladies when you first make contact. They respond within 24 hours to your first PM if they are active on the boards, (not 10 days after your 7th) and there responses are fun, flirty and friendly. These are the ladies that make the hobby worthwhile and the ones that I continue to talk to. You can't fake a good attitude very easily and these are the wonderful woman that always seem to make appointments memorable. Once you have seen one of these ladies, treat them with respect and make your rendezvous enjoyable for both of you, you won't have a problem setting up any future dates with them.

If a gal doesn't have the common courtesy to respond to any of 2-3 max of my PM's (that you can see that they read), I won't ever try again and will take my business to someone that doesn't treat me (and probably most men) just as an ATM. If more guys would do this, no matter how good the reviews or the pussy seems, the quality of customer service would go up. Unfortunately, a lot of us think with only our little heads and feel like we have won the lottery when one of these girls that think they have a golden pussy "does us a favor" by returns a message.

Fuck that, give me a good meal with GREAT service over a restaurant with GREAT food and shitty service any day (and to be honest, I haven't met a woman in this hobby with a great attitude that the "meal" was just good). So let me backtrack a little and step away from my analogy, give me a provider with a great attitude and more than likely our time together will be unforgettable.
Not getting return calls or emails or much delayed is part of the picture. There has always seemed to be an unwritten rule that if you have to leave a message and it's been some undefined amount of time since your call, you probably won't get a return call for your own safety and discretion. Even if you state it's OK to call you back, you still may not get the call. Some ladies may feel you probably got a hold of someone else or have lost your desire. Then again, she may have just talked with someone live and set something up, so you've been passed up at that point--a bird in the hand is better than you in the bush. What did I say?!!!

Yes, in the rest of the business and non-business world, returning a call is considered simple etiquette. A lot of you gents are businessmen and know the importance of communication and returning calls when it can mean business. Not everyone is good at this, and no one's perfect, but I think most people at least try. It seems like when the ladies have a few appointments and have made some money, those remaining messages can be banished to infinity. That's not the case with all, but yes, it seems it happens way too often. Some figure there will be more calls tomorrow anyway. Rudeness abounds and sometimes stuff happens. No one's required to reinforce poor behavior. Same goes for the ladies. But if Home Depot #1 doesn't answer the phone, you just dial up #2 - #6 or Lowe's #1 - #4. Then there's Ace, Walmart, Target. Good things can be found all over, and suitable deals, too.
Although they seem few and far between in our good city, you will know the professional ladies when you first make contact. They respond within 24 hours to your first PM if they are active on the boards, (not 10 days after your 7th) and there responses are fun, flirty and friendly. These are the ladies that make the hobby worthwhile and the ones that I continue to talk to.

If a gal doesn't have the common courtesy to respond to any of 2-3 max of my PM's (that you can see that they read), I won't ever try again and will take my business to someone that doesn't treat me (and probably most men) just as an ATM. If more guys would do this, no matter how good the reviews or the pussy seems, the quality of customer service would go up. Unfortunately, a lot of us think with only our little heads and feel like we have won the lottery when one of these girls that think they have a golden pussy "does us a favor" by returns a message.

Fuck that, give me a good meal with GREAT service over a restaurant with GREAT food and shitty service any day (and to be honest, I haven't met a woman in this hobby with a great attitude that the "meal" was just good). So let me backtrack a little and step away from my analogy, give me a provider with a great attitude and more than likely our time together will be unforgettable. Originally Posted by ScubaBad
Wise advice, Scuba. Attitude, in my experience, will blow away looks with poor attitude. Some of the high-volume ladies have real issues getting back to guys. Since they get plenty of business, they must feel they don't really need to follow through--extremely poor logic. As the Taoist said, "When you drink the water, thank the well." And wells dry up without proper care.
Get Lucky's Avatar
Thanks guys for the response/advice. I must say that I agree and practice most of the things you mention. And when I find a gem, I treat her right. I am not new to the and certainly understand the dynamics you guys point out... but the degree of nonresponse is to the level which offends even the hobby standard. Thanks again guys for providing the necessary perspective. I shall stay the course.
To some women this is a business. We respond, we flirt, we treat you right because you are the valued customer and want repeats!

To other women this is rent/bills. They get what they want and move on.
Bobby said it perfect.

Those ladies who run this as a business will respond no matter what. Don't expect it to happen within minutes, but it should be within a 24 hour window if you're emailing her. At least that's how I do it.

Keep in mind also that some ladies do go out of town with clients, take vacations, may not be working, sick, family emergency....etc. But, if they value their clients, they should respond.

I had a family emergency last week and was gone for a week, the first free time I had, I spent returning emails, texts and calls explaining what had happened and why it took so long for me to respond. I apologized and left the ball in their court.

Good luck in your search and I hope your streak of bad luck turns around.
Well said MsElena.
The only e-mails/PMs I do not respond to are offensively vulgar e-mails/PMs.
+1 on what everyone has said. Good customer service and attitude will win everytime. Whether it's for this kind of stuff, car repair, restaurants, etc...

I had a family emergency last week... Originally Posted by MsElena
Hope everything is well, Elena. Good thoughts are with you...
ScubaBad's Avatar
Bobbie, Elena and AK, thank you for the additional insight. From everything I have read and heard, you all have great attitudes and business skills with your clients. Kudos to you all;-)
JRLawrence's Avatar
Although they seem few and far between in our good city, you will know the professional ladies when you first make contact. They respond within 24 hours to your first PM if they are active on the boards, (not 10 days after your 7th) and there responses are fun, flirty and friendly. These are the ladies that make the hobby worthwhile and the ones that I continue to talk to. You can't fake a good attitude very easily and these are the wonderful woman that always seem to make appointments memorable. Once you have seen one of these ladies, treat them with respect and make your rendezvous enjoyable for both of you, you won't have a problem setting up any future dates with them.

If a gal doesn't have the common courtesy to respond to any of 2-3 max of my PM's (that you can see that they read), I won't ever try again and will take my business to someone that doesn't treat me (and probably most men) just as an ATM. If more guys would do this, no matter how good the reviews or the pussy seems, the quality of customer service would go up. Unfortunately, a lot of us think with only our little heads and feel like we have won the lottery when one of these girls that think they have a golden pussy "does us a favor" by returns a message.

Fuck that, give me a good meal with GREAT service over a restaurant with GREAT food and shitty service any day (and to be honest, I haven't met a woman in this hobby with a great attitude that the "meal" was just good). So let me backtrack a little and step away from my analogy, give me a provider with a great attitude and more than likely our time together will be unforgettable. Originally Posted by ScubaBad

Restaurants that prepare food that I don't get at home are highly valued. Several times I have made comments about the great Asian, Soul, and Sea food restaurants in town. I cook a great steak on my home grill, so why pay for something I can get at home. (Pun Intended). I do get great respect, love, and appreciation at home.

That aside: I have compassion for these girls. There is a little story in business that tells us that about 80% of your profit comes from 20% of your clients, and 80% of your time comes from 20% of your clients.

Watch what the ladies say about the rude and crude guys; why should they want to see them? Why should the guys want to see a rude and crude woman? Rude or crude just isn't enjoyable, there are too many fish in this lake to settle for a fish you should just throw back. There are also some fish that will eat you; cut your line, start your motor, and run for the shore. We all know that this type of fish is why fishing isn't legal. This type of fish gives all of the other fish a bad name.

You can view what a fish is like, before you every throw your line out. Just look over the side of the boat and watch at the comments here on ECCIE as she swims by. You can tell what type of fish she is, just by the way she swims. She can also tell what type of fisherman you are by the why you present your lure, she doesn't need to measure it 4-11.

kellithrills's Avatar
Another point worth mentioning (I know most providers deal with this) is PLEASE pay close attention to the TIME/DAY you are attempting to reach a provider. Besides the vacations, etc, many of us do require time with our family and friends outside of the hobby world! For example, say a hobbiest contacts me for an appointment Friday at 5, it is very unlikely I'll return his pm/email until Monday.

One other point I must make, is that there are times when we providers get pm's/emails, but at the time, we are at WORK. Just because we advertise 'available from x-to-y', it does not mean that we have the ability to schedule your appointment AND entertain others at the same time! I do not have a 'booker', just like many other providers do not either!
ScubaBad's Avatar
I should probably clarify. My first PM to a lady is never "are you available tomorrow at 7PM". I have already researched anyone I contact and my first PM's are always an introduction to myself with my reference information and a request to get verified so that we can THEN set up a date. Once we have had a date, there is never a problem making contact.

The reality is, if I sent a first PM or made an initial call that said "hey are you available tonight" and they didn't ever get back to me, I really wouldn't have a problem with it because I would assume that she hadn't gotten it until after my requested time and then didn't want to bother me afterwards. Now, if I made that same call to a regular and she wasn't available or was away, she will call/text/PM back maybe days later with an explanation and I have never given it a second thought.