How often...

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
should a provider update her photos. I just saw some that I know had to be 5+ years old!

So what say you, what is a reasonable amount of time between updates?
ScubaBad's Avatar
2-3 years at most
aspenxtremes's Avatar
If they want to keep interest, meaning those who have looked but have yet to pull the trigger, it would do them best to do it every few months.
It depends on the provider and how comfortable she is with her current appearance vs. her photos. It could also be that a provider can't or won't have more recent photos taken of herself. I would guess that if a provider has photos taken every 6 months to a year, it would be recent enough.
Miss_Mya's Avatar
I also think that if there is a change. For me I will be updating pics real soon because I have lost 20 pounds and I think it really shows. So to me that would be a good case and reason for me wanting to do new pics.
I try to update my photos anytime there is a change in my appearance (which is pretty often for me since I change my hair so much). I don't think its bad to use older photos if the girl still looks like the photos but she should at least add a few new photos every six months or so.
Redwolf's Avatar
After about 6 - 9 months of the same pics without any new ones, I begin questioning whether a lady still looks like her pics ... that is if she ever did.
I am always adding more pics. No changes to appearance just keeping the men on their toes
AllThisMeat's Avatar
I think a lady should update their images every few months. I knew a girl who used to be in the hobby who would take a new pic every couple of weeks. I've also seen girls who have been in the hobby for years and have always had the same images on their profile/showcase/website. Just makes me not want to see them. Sure, they may say they've not changed at all but, I know for a fact that everyone changes.... and given enough time people change a lot.

To me, updates every other month or after particular changes occur is reasonable.
I say at least 2 to 3 times a year, not unless she has a dramatic change in appearance.
Guys like shiny things, boobies and butts.

I used to run an adult web site (ok... a few of them) with a friend of mine back in the day. What I learned was that updating at regular intervals on a scheduled basis increases interest and spikes interest at specific times.

Some ladies feel that the images they've had for 3+ years have served them well and there is no reason to change. There is also the other extreme... ladies who use not only photos, but videos as well, as a method of drawing attention of their clients, increasing the value of their online interactions and having the potential of an additional steady revenue stream.

I've seen ladies complain about the new kids on the block "stealing" clients from them by having a trendy look, competitive pricing/services, and new photos. My opinion, if you're not running with it, run from it. In other words, people can't sit around and complain about the up & comers, they need to step their game up or teach these people how the game should be played.

Now, I know I've gone off on a tangent here, but I think some people realize this is is not only fun... but it is a business as well. If you're not thinking of ways to take your business to the next level... someone else is.
I say at least once a year....or when there are any apparent changes. I myself am picture happy, and I post something new about once a week if not more....but I totally understand the ladies who can not do so themselves and update less often.

One of the things I dislike though, is the poor cell phone pics. I have plenty of cell phone pics posted, but at least run it through a photo editer, crop out things that are distracting to the pic or just plain looks bad, and fix the lighting in them. It's a simple thing to not learn how, or simply not care to do it, just shows the attention that you put forth in the hobby itself. Pics are, afterall, your first impression.
dbflyer's Avatar
I don't know how often they should update their photos, but the ladies that update with some regularity sure keep me interested. It's cliche, but true - men are visual animals.

I know of at least one provider that I was interested in seeing in the old days (ASPD), but to this day she uses the same 2 or 3 photos she was using back then, and I completely lost interest. The providers I've seen that do regular updates also seem to be the providers that have the most fun and are the most fun to be with. Coincidence??
One of the most important features of the human eye is its ability to detect motion. The cells that do that are called--drum roll, please--motion detectors! Think of that ninja lurking stealthily in the dark. Why is he motionless? So you don't notice him! We are made to detect changes in our surroundings for self-protection. From a survival standpoint, we have little need to pay attention to what remains the same. Just think of all the things we pass by every day and never notice because they never change. The im(moral) of the story is that if ladies change their photos frequently, guys will detect the changes and pay more attention, assuming the ladies announce they have new photos. Of course in this case, noticing the changes isn't for guys' self-protection, but perhaps mental self-preservation as they hopefully pick up the phone and make an appointment.
sasnaK's Avatar
After every trip to Victoria Secrets!