Same girl. Ads in different towns.

HasLoveWillTravel's Avatar
A girl posts an ad in one town and then immediately posts that same ad in a town 2 hours away...a red flag?
Two hours is not that far a drive. If she lives in the middle why not post in both?
bartipero's Avatar
Depends upon which rest area it is.
The site allows for a lady to post ads in up to 5 municipalities or regions in a 7 day period. Lilianna is right, 2 hours isn't that far of a drive if she's willing to make the trip.

In fact, I know ladies who post on a driving route... They'll post in Dallas, OKC, Wichita, KC, Nebraska... and they'll post the dates where they'll be at each location. If I see someone doing that who does not post dates, I ask the to add the dates or I remove their ad.
Two hours is not that far a drive. If she lives in the middle why not post in both? Originally Posted by SillyGirl

Exactly. I've encountered this alot, while traveling in the south. A couple months ago, a lady was willing to drive 2 hours to come see me; but I declined because I didn't want her to do something I wouldn't do myself.
HasLoveWillTravel's Avatar
Alright then. Thanks everybody.