the amateur athletics problem

VitaMan's Avatar
Once again we have seen the NCAA schools and coaches rake in the money from the March madness tournament - with nothing for the players. All in the name of amateur athletics.

Is there a solution ? How about all the money that comes in go for facilities among all schools....coaches volunteer from the existing school staff, no pay....same as the players, who are volunteers from the student body.

Players are not able now to hire coaches outside the system. Why should schools pay coaches to coach amateur athletes ?
You wouldn't have many amateur athletes without coaches.
You think teachers would really want to stay after school and work nights at games without compensation? Would you?
They would make more money working at night unloading cars off of auto transports. I bet they are smart enough to figure out how to get the cars unloaded.
VitaMan's Avatar
It's even more absurd to pay university coaches $ 6 million dollars a year to coach student amateur athletes. Of course the change will never happen, unless there is a catastrophe. Like the 2008 housing bubble, all the housing enablers were dragged up to testify before Congress. And their main theme......."We were all making money."

It would take an effort similar to what countries have done about bribing government officials to obtain contracts. No country could stand alone against it, because the situation was.......everyone else is doing it. Either you bribe and get contracts, or you don't bribe, and don't get them.

Countries banded together to all sign against it, similar to union power. It doesn't work the greatest, but seems to be doing something. ( didn't stop BAE from paying huge bribes for military contracts to Saudi Arabia and South Africa, and England justified it to be in the "national security" interest - thereby shutting down all ongoing investigations and sealing all documents).

Prince Bandar did okay
Sounds like you are jealous of anyone who has money.