Is any idiot out there that believe covid-19 is really.

Ripmany's Avatar
It quit clear it was a excuse to to have big government and big business walk all over people. The positive covid-19 test are people who been poison when little bit sick. If any thing the coronavirus is cancer cure.
It excuse for walmart marker not to be 24 hours any more.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's because our government is corrupt and completely incompetent. Wtf are they doing right now? Just arguing over the same bullshit they've been arguing about since like May, and they're going to shut the government down over it and fuck more people over.

What tf did they do? They forced millions of people to close down their businesses and stop going to work, and they sent trillions of dollars to big companies while leaving the people they forced out of a job helpless. They've fucked everything up.

What are they going to do next?

The government has done absolutely nothing but fuck me over since February. I might just join Antifa. The government is fucking shit. Fuck them.
pfunkdenver's Avatar least this thread was mildly amusing!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh you mean the flu