
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 12-19-2014, 07:21 AM
I have read a lot about provider grooming and the preferences johns have. Now I would like to hear what you gals think!

What do providers like to see regarding manscaping? Not just the balls, let's cover the taint, hole, balls and stick, chest, back or anywhere else guys should pay attention to grooming. Mainly looking at hair management, but if there are issues regarding scent or taste (ie - to use cologne or not cologne on the huevos) things to avoid for good tasting sperm ... what ever a good john should be aware of to improve the experience. BUT WE ALL KNOW BEING CLEAN, FRESH AND SHOWERED IS NUMBER ONE - SO LET"S NOT STATE THAT OVER ANDS OVER AGAIN! Although I have known a couple girls that liked that manly smell (the al la Porky's Chick).
chicagoboy's Avatar
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 12-19-2014, 12:44 PM
BUT I was wondering more what Chicago girl thought about it.... any way ... start thirsty friends. it was pretty funny though
sue_nami's Avatar
altho I offer manscaping services, I prefer my men and women natural and not smooth. I know it is because I am 54 and grew up with fur, But regardless of why, it is super sexy to me and i will always chose natural if someone asks. however since smooth is ubiquitous in this day and age, I am used to it, just not what i would actually prefer. I love soft natural pubes and find it like a frame on a beautiful pictures, it is classic and never goes out style in my book.
luckyk's Avatar
I've had this discussion with quite several girls.. And it seems that the consensus these days is that they would prefer some sort of manscaping (no need to be hairless, but definitely no big bushy jungle) But all these girls are 30 yr old or younger. Not sure what older ladies have to say about the subject. I personally keep everything well groomed and clean cut. It helps maintain good hygiene and also make your manhood look a little longer
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
No manscaping, no deodorant, and no cologne please. Just your natural body fresh out of the shower so I can rub my skin all over yours and stick my tongue everywhere without encountering stubble or nasty chemicals... Thanks!
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 12-19-2014, 03:51 PM
well I knew you were gonna say that ...Queen of the bearded calms!
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
as for good-tasting sperm ~ pineapple juice!
  • Gbfsl
  • 12-20-2014, 11:47 AM
I always keep the boys shaved and the area trimmed. Today I tried something different, exciting and a nice change of pace. I had pre-arranged with one of my regular providers to have her shave me before our session. So I showd up with a week-old stubble, a razor, and some shave cream. We jumped in the shower together. After a little slipping and sliding she grabbed my balls in one hand and the razor in the other and shaved me smooth as a babies behind. Something quite thrilling about having her run that sharp razor ever so gently and slowly over my testicles. We then retired to the bed where she spent an extraordinary amount of time admiring her work and pampering the boys relentlessly. We might need to come up with an acronym for that activity.
Not super particular but if you have you have a bush...trim it. Stubble along the shaft HURTS when I put my mouth there. Also, if I'm completely honest if someone wants my mouth to wander I prefer the starfish to be hair-free or close to it.
FishGuy13's Avatar
as for good-tasting sperm ~ pineapple juice! Originally Posted by spicyzoey
I've heard of this before, but how much and how long does it take to effect the taste?
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 12-20-2014, 04:09 PM
Zoey ... I had heard pineapple juice as well ... any idea as to how early it needs to be ingested or how much or for how long? As far as letting someone near my balls with a razor ... if I am afraid to shave them I pretty sure no one else is going to ... please keep the responses coming especially the ladies?
We might need to come up with an acronym for that activity. Originally Posted by Gbfsl
I concur! I offer manscaping and have for some time and I know a lot of other ladies do as well in many different areas (hmm, double entendre intended lol, physical and geographically speaking). It's on my menu as that and that is what it's called in reviews I've seen. Perhaps, it's time to throw around some suggestions?
RedLeg505's Avatar
I concur! I offer manscaping and have for some time and I know a lot of other ladies do as well in many different areas (hmm, double entendre intended lol, physical and geographically speaking). It's on my menu as that and that is what it's called in reviews I've seen. Perhaps, it's time to throw around some suggestions? Originally Posted by Island
And as a VERY satisfied client.. including her manscaping services, I can say without reservation, its quite nice to have a lady, after we've had our fun, carefully and meticulously "clean up" the area so its not a jungle and ready for our next playtime.

Speaking of which, Island, we need to schedule another manscaping session soon, we've skipped them on our last 2 encounters.
Thank you RL! It is pretty relaxing and still sensual at the same time. Also, I'm sure you notice I get into the groove and hummm along to my music while burying my hands and face down between your legs while you lie back relaxed.

Yes, I do need to get my fix of grooming therapy (that's what I call it hehe, it actually relaxes me too!) We just get so umm...busy? distracted? sometimes forget when another ladies leg accidentally "brushes" my head while bodies, arms, boobs, and tushies are swinging around and then thoughts just fly out the window! lol