Need to talk to someone that knows about bank loans and such!

Kamjess's Avatar
Please message me if you have knowledge in this area.
One of the things a bank will ask to see is your recent tax returns. If you are not current with your tax returns, you will not get much of a loan from a bank and will have to look into less desirable options elsewhere
Ripmany's Avatar
SBA long hookers, sorry it would be only for you pimp to give you as packcheck proction.
yourdesire's Avatar
A year a go 1 of my banks was willing to give a lousy $200 upon proof of income. Ironically that was the account with the least amount of activity. My primary bank denied me. Both are credit unions. You might try using Credit Karma, they give a lot of info about credit & loans as well as suggest things to help your credit and places you might get approved for loans according to your current credit score and it's all free
If you're looking for a business loan such as PPP or eidl from SBA,try to find a score mentor in your area or visit a Small Business development center in your area
Grace Preston's Avatar
SBA long hookers, sorry it would be only for you pimp to give you as packcheck proction. Originally Posted by Ripmany

Pimps aren't eligible for PPP... sexually oriented businesses are not eligible for SBA loans or grants of any kind (even strip clubs and adult toy stores are excluded).
JRLawrence's Avatar
SBA long hookers, sorry it would be only for you pimp to give you as packcheck proction. Originally Posted by Ripmany

Some idiots can not even write a simple sentence. I have seen second grade kids write a better sentence than this.

That is just stupid. But then, the word used was packcheck, not paycheck. Do you mean that your (instead of you) pimp is going to check your pack?

JRLawrence's Avatar
Please message me if you have knowledge in this area. Originally Posted by Kamjess

You have to have show an income, expenses, and savings with a budget before you can get a loan from a bank.

If you do not have tax returns with all of this shown - and more: you will not get a loan from a bank, and probably not even a credit card.

Prostitution is classified as a "black market" subculture activity because is it is not a legitimate business. If that is what you want to do, you have to set it up as a legitimate business that shows income, business expenses, profit and payroll.

It you want to participate in the normal lives of the rest of society, you must pay taxes. Within GNP (Gross National Product) there are calculations estimates the amount of black market activity for every country.

You have to show the total money receipts, and expenses, to arrive at income. If this is not shown on a tax return: forget about ever getting a loan form a legitimate source. This is basic accounting. If you don't file taxes, you don't have a legal income.

At the end of the year, many businesses show very little profit for the company. Why would they want to? Businesses collect taxes from the employees, and pass the taxes to the Government. Most of the employees get paid an income, and pay taxes. The business does not need an income, they need receipts and expenses that includes payroll taxes. A businesses does not need to have a profit in order for the employees to have income and pay taxes.

I own several businesses; all of them seldom receive any cash. If we happen to get some cash, it is a celebration. Hey., we have an opportunity to document some cash against an invoice. All cash goes to the bank immediately, always. All cash must be totally documented.

All business expenses are documented, and justified. That includes cars, gas, insurance, business travel, inventory, payroll and taxes. Everything is documented.

Those who receive a payroll check have taxes withheld and submitted to the government by 8 AM, before they get their checks in the PM.

Understand that the Feds allow banks to create new money when they issue loans.

A new, but a small percentage of a new, supply of money is created through the process of issuing bank loans.

How much banks earn by interest, or creation of an additional money supply that is eventually paid back to the banks, is controlled by the Feds.

The banks want to make loans, but banks have regulations that they must follow to profit from making loans.

If you can't get a loan from the bank, don't blame the bank: they have regulations they must follow.

We just received a payroll protection grant from the Feds. It was through the banks we deal with. Documentation was made that the grant was spent on payroll.

Document, document, document everything if you deal with a bank, and through the bank the FEDS,