Premium Access

When, will I receive premium access for my reviews? What is the procedure?
Guest062716's Avatar
Excellent question sir,

The Premium Access (PA) system is not automated (at this time).

When you post a review that want considered for PA (It has to meet the criteria: Basically a review of an actual session, less than 30 days ago, with sufficient detail).

Send a note to with a link to your review and ask the mods to review and consider for PA.

One of the Austin mods will check out the review, and presuming it is good to go, will put a request into the system for you to get 6 weeks of PA.

The whole process normally runs from 24-48 hours, depending on when you send the request. We have been keeping the time to considerably less than that of late.

I hope this helps.


LadiesFan's Avatar
I know that this question has been asked before but I can't find the thread. How can we check and see when our premium access is set to end, or verify that credit was given for reviews that were submitted for approval?
sixxbach's Avatar
click on USER CP, Paid subscriptions and u will see the dates. when u get credit for a review, you receive an email, then check with the USER CP and click subscriptions thing again
Guest062716's Avatar
Thanks, Sixxbach, for the helpful answer. You are exactly correct. The Premium Access (PA) is treated as a paid subscription, even if it is earned by credited reviews. The Paid subscriptions button is near the bottom, under the "Miscellaneous" heading.


ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 03-15-2010, 07:19 AM
When you have an approved review, is the 6 weeks added to the existing end date for premium access, or does it just apply to the "next" six weeks?
When you have an approved review, is the 6 weeks added to the existing end date for premium access? Originally Posted by ezman
Yes it's added to the end date.
If at some point we want to pay for a long term access, can this be done via mailing a payment? Thanks