Increased No Shows?

I have had a very overwhelming amount of time wasters in the last few weeks. Anyone else having this issue? I know it's October but sh*t, too many ghosts 👻 in Pensacola... Where are all of these old fashion men?
Yes I have posted 3× and get a ton of responses but only a couple actually showed up. I mean I've heard that it's not like that other. I'm thinking seriously about finding that out for myself maybe a tour is what I need to do. I definitely need to do something and sooner rather then later.
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I have had a very overwhelming amount of time wasters in the last few weeks. Anyone else having this issue? I know it's October but sh*t, too many ghosts �� in Pensacola... Where are all of these old fashion men? Originally Posted by ShaniGinger420
I've been taking a break for a bit, but in my experiences I've been ghosted just as equally by providers. I live about an hour from Pensacola, so I always double-check with the provider before leaving home. I'm not driving one hour there and one hour back for nothing.

For example, I had a 6pm appointment in Pensacola once with a provider, which meant I needed to leave home no later than 5pm to get there in time. I'd text around 4pm to make sure plans were still on.... then no reply back. I'd text again around 5pm.... no reply. I'd text a final time around 5:45pm saying "I guess something came up on your end, so I guess we'll try another time."

Then I'd finally get a reply back around 11pm from her saying she's ready.

Dude, it's 11pm, and my ass is probably heading to bed by then, if I'm not in bed already. I'm older, I don't stay up all night. (I didn't say this, but I thought it.... lol)

Then she'd reply back angry, accusing me of wasting HER time. ><
It's frustrating �� when I give my location, I'm assuming the other person is ready.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
It's frustrating �� when I give my location, I'm assuming the other person is ready. Originally Posted by ShaniGinger420
I agree. I never ask for a location until I'm about to head there.

Usually when I set up with a provider, I try to set up a day in advance, or at least a few hours in advance. I'm rarely ready at the exact time I message someone. I like to at least give a few hours advance warning to give both parties enough time to shower, freshen up, etc. Plus, if I'm going to Pensacola, I gotta factor in the one hour of drive time.

I understand things come up, but I'm usually okay with it as long as it's communicated. I always do the same. I never assume an appointment is made until we both agree on a time.

I always make sure the provider confirms our plans before I even leave home. Because a ghosting usually wastes about three or four hours of my day (one hour driving to Pensacola, at least an hour waiting around hoping she responds, then one hour to drive home).
Whelp women wanted to have their cake and eat it too, meaning they wanted the perks of “equality” while retaining the perks of being a woman. So you’ll have to excuse us when we don’t have much sympathy. You get paid to have fun, something men can only fantasize about. You should just be grateful that you’re existing as a female in the literal best time in history to be a female. There’s much worse things than being ghosted, try being an 8-9 out of 10 man and getting shit on by 5/10 girls on tinder lmfao. Or worse, try being an average man. Get some perspective Jesus Christ.
What does this have anything to do with my thread? This went over your head! Or is the ego too large? Move around. Your probably one of the best examples of the type of man I won't do business with!
Funny you should mention that, because when you saw what I looked like you were begging me to come over but then I realized that a guy like me shouldn’t be spending on an older woman who uses too many filters in her pics. Men should stop simping and paying for it for just a year and that would be enough to remind you all of what is valuable and what isn’t valuable. 50% of women are good looking or better nowadays, beauty is plentiful. It’s not as valuable as it once was. Women were forced to evolve a certain way, and now they’ve peaked, it’s time for men to start evolving now to counter that. Once men master self control, the problems we have with women nowadays will be a thing of the past. I bet your and a lot of women’s egos won’t be so hot when escorting becomes a thing of the past and you have to work a real job. And most of you would only make in 10-12 hours what you’re used to getting in a half hour escorting. Like I said GET SOME PERSPECTIVE
You know nothing about me. Assume away honey. I could care less.....
You sound like you need a release. Lmao release all that negative energy ��
Hell I can’t get a provider to answer a text, email nor a pm… chance of any ghosting
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Members just a reminder

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
Just my thoughts. I had a professional career before getting into this. It's definitely more lucrative, but I don't agree when guys say it's as easy as opening our legs.

As for the actual topic of this thread, I have noticed a lack of new emails/requests. Most of my clients are regulars and wouldn't ghost. But I have had a couple newbies that have. I've never ghosted a client. Well, I had one incident a couple years ago that I forgot to write down an appt and missed it. So I guess I've ghosted once 😕 I felt really bad about it.
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As for the actual topic of this thread, I have noticed a lack of new emails/requests. Most of my clients are regulars and wouldn't ghost. But I have had a couple newbies that have. I've never ghosted a client. Well, I had one incident a couple years ago that I forgot to write down an appt and missed it. So I guess I've ghosted once �� I felt really bad about it. Originally Posted by Nadya511
And, this is main reason I love seeing you. You, in my experience, have never ghosted me. You did cancel/reschedule me only once due to illness, but you "communicated". That is what's really important, and it's always appreciated.

Ghosting happens on both sides. Even I was guilty of it in my early days. I would get cold feet or change my mind at the last minute, and found it easier to just "not reply" rather than explain to them that I changed my mind. But, after being on the receiving end of a couple ghostings, I realized it's not a good feeling, and I stopped doing that.

P.S. - I really should come see you again soon. I've been taking a break, so it's been a hot minute. XD
So I'm going to have to agree that you do sound very angry and it does seem a little displaced.