The Family

Should Kansas people be concerned that the 2 congressmen running to replace Sam Brownback are both linked to the C Street Fellowship as is Senator Brownback himself.

There is an ethics investigation involving members of congress receiving below market rents at the C Street house which ultimately is woned by a right wing christian organization led by Doug Coe.

Vitter, Ensign, and Sanford received "counseling' from the family in how to handle their marital indiscretions. Something like "you should not resign as it was god's will that you were elected and you should not go against god's will."

Powerful outside influence or harmless fellowship?
nsafun05's Avatar
Should the American people be concerned that the President has been friends with a man who was a co-founder of the terrorist group the Weather Underground?
Longermonger's Avatar
So those guys are all members of The Family, and Obama wasn't a member of The Weather Underground at all. Difference maybe???
dirty dog's Avatar
Now Longer read the posts again, Cat did not say they were members he only said they were linked, so NSA comment was accurate whether you use the term link or friend Obama was linked (friends) with a guy who was a co-founder of the Weather underground. There is no difference in this context, now if you "know for a fact they are members" then please show us and then you objection will be duly noted LOL. Seriously in this context there is no difference because we dont know if they are members or not. Not trying to bust your balls.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It isn't that they are linked to the C street fellowship that concerns me, it's that they are idiots that concerns me. And Obama's relationship with a domestic terrorist doesn't bother me, the fact that he is incompetent and a socialist bother me. In fact, they all bother me. I think Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana might be ok, but I'm sure he will start bothering me if he decides to run for national office. I guess my point is, don't limit yourself to the C Street Fellowship as the only reason to be concerned about these clowns. There is a lot more to cause concern.
john_galt's Avatar
Maybe a little more detail or a link would be helpful. If I do the research and do not find it or find something else what am I to think about you. After all, these are serious charges.
I think Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana might be ok, but I'm sure he will start bothering me if he decides to run for national office. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG - asking for information here. What is the problem that may cause concern for you with Bobby Jindal? I have heard only positives regarding him, and even more now since he decided to say "Fuck you" to the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bamster and begin to build the sand bars off the coast of Louisiana.
It isn't that they are linked to the C street fellowship that concerns me, it's that they are idiots that concerns me. And Obama's relationship with a domestic terrorist doesn't bother me, the fact that he is incompetent and a socialist bother me. In fact, they all bother me. I guess my point is, don't limit yourself to the C Street Fellowship as the only reason to be concerned about these clowns. There is a lot more to cause concern. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Exactly! I would add that there are idiots, morons and power-hungry candidates in both parties. I am tired of right-wing whackos running Kansas and I am tired of liberal, panty-wearing sissy boys running our country. So, I'm equally mad at all of them and recommend voting them all out and sending them home.
Mr Galt;

Any Google scholar will find more than a few links to the C Street connection and the Family. You should have no problem verifying the linkage with all mentioned. KC Star had a story on the ethics investigation on Moran and Brownback maybe on Tuesday?
BiggestBest's Avatar
Exactly! I would add that there are idiots, morons and power-hungry candidates in both parties. I am tired of right-wing whackos running Kansas and I am tired of liberal, panty-wearing sissy boys running our country. So, I'm equally mad at all of them... Originally Posted by scorpio31
You don't like anyone? No wonder your posts are like:
Omahan's Avatar
You don't like anyone? No wonder your posts are like: Originally Posted by BiggestBest
Let's don't get personal.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! I'm a happy man, I just don't like any of these guys. None of them want to follow the constitution the way it was intended. And I really like Bobby Jindal, but it seems like a politician has to sell their soul in order to advance to national office. I would hate to see it happen to him. So I guess I am pre-disliking him in order to not get my hopes up and be disappointed.

As Eddie Chiles, the former owner of the Texas Rangers used to say, "There are three things I want the government to do for me. 1. Defend my shores, 2. Deliver my mail, and 3. Leave me alone." That's where I'm at. But I have become a lot happier since I realized what I think doesn't make any difference, and I have decided to enjoy life regardless of what they do in Washington or Topeka.

And my posts are what, again? Damn, I get blamed for everything! LOL!
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
one of these days I am going to have to read this constitution you guys keep talking about dose it have pics I like pics. The oldguy told me to post this.
You don't like anyone? No wonder your posts are like: Originally Posted by BiggestBest
I never used the word "like" or the phrase "don't like", please carefully read my post again.
N2SEX46's Avatar
....and Moran and Tihart want to be senator, huh? Two Washington insiders who are just as responsible for getting us into the mess we're in want to represent us in the Senate. Well, like Scorpio said, "OUT WITH THE RASCALS." There has to be someone out there who isn't self centered and power/money hungry How about Jim Smith from Buttermilk, KS? (Buttermilk had a population of 2 when I went through there in 1959.)