Bad remark

I just found out from a provider I have frequented that someone left me a bad remark. I would like to know who it was. I’ve always been respectful of any provider I’ve seen. And I’m usually pretty timid when seeing a new provider I’ve not seen.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
People gossip.

And often, people will lie.

If you "heard" that someone said something negative about you then that's just gossip. Might not even be true and where did this piece of information come from?

If your acquaintance said that something was written in the private areas of Eccie, then that could get you (and her) banned. I'd suggest from this point forward, you claim this was just pillow talk and wasn't written down anywhere from a private area of Eccie. Can't get in trouble for just being quiet.

If you know you're sweet and respectful to others, then continue to be so.

Let the other wash off of your back.

Just some super cheap advice,
Well the issues some providers may not see me now due to this. And it sucks
Elisabeth gave some great advice. Just let it go & continue being a clean, polite, & respectful gentleman.

If a provider tries to persuade you to meet her and you refuse her...well that's reason enough for her to dislike you. It could be that you're out of town or you're not feeling well and that's why you refused but she may still take it as a personal offense. Or maybe you did meet her and had a hurried mediocre session. You wrote a honest review afterwards and now she's mad at you for writing that review.

Who knows what she can do? She can write negative posts about you in the ladies powder room, add you to all the blacklists etc. It's super easy for her to ruin you. Fortunately, most providers are decent and don't do that.

You just have to depend on the providers you've met already to have your back..and they will as long as you treated them well. Otherwise, don't worry about negative remarks. If a provider doesn't want to see you because of malicious lies posted in the ladies powder room, then so be it. She's actually making life easier for you by reducing your choices. Focus on the ladies who will see you and you'll be just fine.
rcinokc's Avatar
I had a false NCNS posted about me several years ago. Only one provider has ever asked me about it, and she saw me anyway. Try not to make a big deal about it and it shouldn't hurt you. In my case both the provider that posted the alert and the provider that asked me about it are both long gone from here.
DallasDarkHairedBarbie's Avatar
I’m sorry that you’re going through that trust me tho it happens a lot more than you think! Unfortunately this site and others are filled with TROLLS left and right and there’s always going to be disgruntled hobbyist and providers for a variety of reasons. I know first hand how it feels to have someone lie about you. All you can do is counter bad publicity with GOOD publicity and just be the best gentleman you can be from here on out and explain to providers you want to see your situation. The bigger problem tho is that providers shouldn’t be putting other providers in unsafe situations by revealing what is written in the powder room. I’m happy she at least didn’t reveal who wrote it (probably because she knew it could get her banned lol) but still this needs to stop. It does nothing but cause problems and could give a guy a reason to retaliate on a provider. I know this isn’t the answer you want but it is what it is . Good luck!