Why don't you just get a quality phone and a good friend to take them for you? That way you're relaxed, having fun and they come out more natural. And you can update your pictures as often as you'd like. Just My Personal Opinion. That's what I do.
I have ALWAYS used my best friends aside from that 1 time since 2013. And the ONLY time that I needed to use Photoshop was because, I was so limited on my poses that I had no choice BUT to finally hire someone so that I could show all angles a very long time ago. Now, (thanks to laser removal) I'm able to use make-up and still show all angles with no Photoshop. And I can update anytime I want. Literally, pics only take 30 minutes.
I don't believe that the gents are demanding much, just honesty. Not blurry, grainy, far away pics. I took these last pics that are up from November (and need to be updated cuz I'm almost 10lbs lighter but, it's not a Priority since this isn't my Occupation) with an $80 Hobby Phone and my bestie in 30 minutes. And "no" my hobby phone is "not quality"
Anywho, just food for thought; I hope that you find what you're seeking!
Have a great day and Happy Hobbying!