
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Something came up and I am canceling my trip to Omaha 1/22
I dont blame you babe, I wont be coming back for a long long time, if at all...
This is a dead zone for me and I guess lilred wont be coming back either unless she comes back her self when she gets a car cause I wont be returning...
KelseyBelle's Avatar
yeah really slow here
Bigd1988's Avatar
Come to Grand Island. We don't get very many reviewed ladies. We'll keep you busy.
Maybe sometime well have to go there, instead of back to omaha, omaha is not on the radar for a while
12blue4u's Avatar
I am not sure why one post should be related to the other?
12blue4u's Avatar
Sorry about that. Sometimes it just works out that way. It should not mean anything one way or the other.
Item the first: I interpreted the OPs post at face value.....something came up......not "I can't get business."

Item the second: Corn's around 3 bucks a bushel, oil workers are getting laid off in droves, retailers just had a really suck-ass christmas season, and taxes are gonna be a bitch this year. For those in this thread complaining of slow business, maybe......just's not Omaha OR you. Maybe folks everywhere....Nebraska AND Iowa......don't have the money they used to.
No not bitching, so dont get what I am saying wrong. Im gonna make what I need, but when people bug and bug and bug since you left around xmas to come back and you do and not one of THOSE people have seen you or they cancel on you once you get here thats kinda irratating. And the Iowa guys, maybe they budget better because they havent had any issues, or maybe the corn there is just doing better lol
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I didn't cancel due to business. I canceled because I return to school in March and I have an appt to go over what class's I need and don't need to take.
MuffDiver1975's Avatar
Congrats on returning to school Lady Y!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Second that....congrats Lady .