How not to close a thread...

notanewbie's Avatar
smart ass replies keep this board popular........Did you catch Wake Up's thread........we are needed, it's our duty.........
another illegitimate closing
Wayward's Avatar
another illegitimate closing Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Pretty much never use the RTM button, it is lacking in shubmi. This was an exception.

That thread should not have been locked, it puts providers at risk and that is wrong. The thread should be reopened so the ladies that do not have access to women's only forums are not put in harms way. Very poor judgment.
but mods will ALWAYS once again become regular members.. just closing things and pointing aimlessly thinking that somehow it will make your job easier is futile. Making it out of modship and keeping the respect and goodwill of your fellow members is the hard part. Just my .02
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Today I saw a thread closed that was started by berkleigh, WTF her name is, she basically got her shots in and requested the thread be closed beFore any "drama" was started. I thought that was bs cause it was a hit and run. Talked shit then wanted it closed. I just think it should have been left open for a couple of days at least lol.
Raphael's Avatar
Making it out of modship and keeping the respect and goodwill of your fellow members Originally Posted by luxury daphne
As if that were worth keeping. lmao. The lynch mob is trying to blackmail mods into doing their bidding. The next batch of mods, when and if the current ones grow tired of the job, would best be selected from the large pool of people out there that has nothing to do with the small clique that gives Houston its bad reputation.
Yes brain, then you and pinky can rule the world!!!
Mojojo's Avatar
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Originally Posted by notanewbie
This thread should have never gotten this far, and the disrespect for the staff was uncalled for. It should have been locked from the beginning

another illegitimate closing Originally Posted by luxury daphne
From what I've been told you ladies have this in your area. Check the city specifics.

Pretty much never use the RTM button, it is lacking in shubmi. This was an exception.

That thread should not have been locked, it puts providers at risk and that is wrong. The thread should be reopened so the ladies that do not have access to women's only forums are not put in harms way. Very poor judgment. Originally Posted by Wayward

Some of you live on the RTM button, on a minimum I get about 30-70 emails regarding RTM and it amazes me its usually the people who bitch about Mods doing their job. Also you make an assumption without knowing all the facts. Once again the ladies have this posted in their forum from what I was told so I did not point her for bumping a thread older than 30 days because bumping this one was legitimate.

Today I saw a thread closed that was started by berkleigh, WTF her name is, she basically got her shots in and requested the thread be closed beFore any "drama" was started. I thought that was bs cause it was a hit and run. Talked shit then wanted it closed. I just think it should have been left open for a couple of days at least lol. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
I closed it as she requested. I would've take the same action regardless who the member is, the OP can ALWAYS request a thread to be closed.

NAN if you have anymore directives on how to do my job pm me ill be glad to talk to you about it. Have a nice day
As if that were worth keeping. lmao. The lynch mob is trying to blackmail mods into doing their bidding. The next batch of mods, when and if the current ones grow tired of the job, would best be selected from the large pool of people out there that has nothing to do with the small clique that gives Houston its bad reputation. Originally Posted by Raphael
Awesome post. Please tell me what I'm trying to blackmail the mods into doing. Please let me know what I can possibly want from a person who has an email manual about how they can do things on a silly hooker message board. Help me understand what I could possibly want from this person that I would need to blackmail them.

Only people who create a dozen new handles every time they're banned have the type of emotional attachment to an Internet message board needed to blackmail someone here. Not sure who I could be talking about...

By the way, you've got it all wrong. None of the mods have anything to do with the lynch mob right now, and look how well that's working. As I posted in mojo8675309's welcome thread, "I've never heard of you, what qualifications do you have to be a mod." Your plan is doomed to fail Raph, as most things you suggest are.
Mr Clever's Avatar
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Originally Posted by notanewbie
I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to agree NAN. This is not the way to close a thread.

"And the disrespect for the staff is uncalled for"......hmmmm.

"Dear John pm one of the mods, admins, or Owners with this issue. The smart ass replies will be dealt with. The end!"

So, what's good for the goose is good for gander---Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black. Take your pick. They both fit.

You want respect....respect is earned. By dealing with issues like a manager....head on......not by acting like a fanatic with an iron fist. Again, respect is earned......Not, commanded.

You wanna be a mod that's respected....then do something spectacular....Moderate Fairly. Look at the issues at hand and deal with them like a real Manager/Mod. Not a dude on the powertrip cause he's MOD.

If your hands are tied....and your trying to do the right thing....but are being trumped because the owner because he thinks drama creates dollars for him.....then shame on him. He's a fool.

Any good business is built on solid business principles and solid information.

The man "Dear John" asked a very simple question.....In a very upfront manner. In the "ask the staff" forum......The owners, the Mods and whoever is in charge of this wreck is at fault. Someone should have answered his question. Probably, in private......Something. Instead, you all ignored him, like you and the owners do with everything else on eccie......and it's festered into something nasty.

Now, you wanna come in and start moderating. When the shit has hit the fan. Great management style. And, please, don't come in with "you bitch when we moderate and you bitch when we don't".

And, I get 70 RTM's a one put a gun to your head to take the job.

You and you alone signed up for that gig.

The owners, the staff and you are at fault for all the shit that goes on eccie.....You, they, all of you have allowed this board to be riddled with the garbage due to the laissez fair style of doing things. Picking and choosing what rules to enforce.....its ridicules. How you can taunt some with points and let others go completly unscaved. Do you think we don't see this? Do you think we are stupid or something? Talk about being unfair.....Maybe, I'm worng. But, maybe that's what the OP was asking appeal on fairness. How is it fair that he and others get points....yet you and the owner turn a blind eye to more decitful things? Multiple handles comes to my mind......Ever heard of Rosetta Stone?

Any interest in answering that?

There is an old and the staff should become familiar with "eating crow"

Taking a strong positon on something and then being proven wrong sucks.....but its humbling nevertheless. Humble pie taste so much better. A humble level headed person is so much easier to work with than a arrogant asshole. Just my opinion, of course. Not saying you in particular are an asshole.......I'm being general.

Hopefully, you and the staff will start will to do the right thing with matters that occur on eccie. Things have certainly gotten carried away.....too much mischief and nonesense. Hopefully, you all can learn to moderate farily, evenly and swiftly as needed. The better late than never sytle is definitely not working. And, the early arrival, is well, pointless too. It must be even keeled....balanced and fair.

St. C needs to take a hard look at his product. More bugs need to be shaken out.....or, this mousetrap of his is gonna fall victim to poor managment.

As you can see, I have no problem telling the Emperor that he has no clothes on....." Yo,'re naked"

Again, I stand behind....what I said. It was wrong to close that thread. In that manner....this matter should have been dealt with upfront. He asked a question. If you wanna wear the MOD hat....then act like a MOD.

Ban me....I don't care.

I'll be back in a few hours.....speaking broken english translating through google translater.
boardman's Avatar

Some of you live on the RTM button, on a minimum I get about 30-70 emails regarding RTM and it amazes me its usually the people who bitch about Mods doing their job. Originally Posted by mojojo213
Just for the record I have never hit the RTM.

Also you make an assumption without knowing all the facts. Originally Posted by mojojo213
Seems to be a common problem. Members and Mods alike.
When I first read the "rules of engagement" and saw about 30 of them, each described in 5-6 sentences, I nearly fell off my chair laughing. There's no way to have a functional discussion board with that many rules.

When I realized that admins want to enforce those rules by giving mod keys to folks who are unknown in Houston, I laughed even harder. It's akin to giving the keys to a Ferrari to a guy with the least points on his driving record who only ever drove compact cars in his life.

So now we have a lot of rules that are enforced occasionally in any given thread: not at all at first, then to a T when shit hits the fan. Then after a few months a mod resigns because he quickly finds out what each and every coach that got fired knows: you can't be buddy-buddy with the players at first, and then rule with an iron fist. That's the fastest way to lose respect among the rank and file.
God help me...I just hit the "Like" button for the first time in my life...I feel dirty...

We've needed to have a discussion about all these inane and never enforced rules for months now...

BTW, THIS is how you close a thread...
boardman's Avatar
God help me...I just hit the "Like" button for the first time in my life...I feel dirty... Originally Posted by Wakeup
In the ABS way?