Costa Rica

Beer Slut's Avatar
I just got back from Costa Rica -- WOW!
I thought this was from you.

Glad you had a good time, tell us more???
Beer Slut's Avatar
In all, four days and three nights in San Jose CR with some former ASPD buddies from San Antonio. Stayed at Sportsmen's Lodge and wore out the five-minute cabride route to and from the Blue Marlin bar at the Hotel Del Rey.

The Blue Marlin is certainly Gound Zero for the Latin America hobby world -- it's better than advertised!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Another review site has had excursion groups leaving from Houston on a regular basis and the reviews are amazing. The US dollar goes a very long way in Costa Rico and also the Dominican Republic.
pyramider's Avatar
Probably some real good deals in Haiti.
Beer Slut's Avatar
For an example of what the girls look like down there, check out Cuba Dave's blog. He's a regular down there and frequents the very low priced ($25 to $55 per hour massage parlors). Keep in mind that these girls don't work out of the most expensive ($100 per hour) pick-up-bars like the Blue Marlin.
rakuguy's Avatar is a full blown board such as this one solely devoted to all aspects of hobbying, travel, lodging, dining, transportation, etc...(with reviews, trip reports) in Costa Rica. A very good source of info if one is interested taking the plunge down there.
Beer Slut's Avatar
I took the plunge and became a VIP member at and it was invaluable during the research phase of the pre-trip.
Idyllic, unspoiled country. Always stay at a small hotel where the rooms are all built in the trees. They actuall sway a bit when the wond blows. It's an incredible experience and well worth the trip. You leave understanding what paradise must have looked like and a new appreciation of just how much humans have fucked up the planet.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Im sooo freakin jealous! You bitch! LOL!
asktiquica's Avatar
Cubadave has alot of information on his website, but lacks specific information. CRT is alright but they want you to pay to join before they give you the "holy map".

Here is an google map and review of all the whore house and pick up bars in San Jose.

Average price for 30 minute session is $20 - $30. Some of the sexier girls ask for $100 a pop in the bars.

Check out these "reports" for all the eye candy, lurid details, photos and video.

Beer Slut's Avatar
The Blue Marlin should be one of the eight wonders of the world. For guys like us on in the hobby, it's a Mecca of sorts. I'm very fortunate to have made my journey.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Was in Costa Rica in August and had my first hobbying experiences at the Blue Marlin. Stayed in a nice hotel just behind the Hotel del Rey and the Blue Marlin Bar. The volume of talent there is just unbelievable! Paradise!

Going back in a couple of months. Who wants to go with me?
asktiquica's Avatar
Was in Costa Rica in August and had my first hobbying experiences at the Blue Marlin. Stayed in a nice hotel just behind the Hotel del Rey and the Blue Marlin Bar. The volume of talent there is just unbelievable! Paradise!

Going back in a couple of months. Who wants to go with me? Originally Posted by Mister Tudball

Do you possibley mean the Sleep Inn behind the Hotel Del Rey?

They charge a $30 fee for each girl you bring back to the room. A common complaint about the Del Rey is they have always charged $10 per girl that you bring back to your room.

This is why alot of people choose to stay at some of the newer hotels that cater to gringos just a couple blocks away in Barrio Amon.

Here is some eye candy from the Blue Marlin (inside the Del Rey) and Bar Key Largo.

However this HD video on youtube really captures the moment in the Key Largo and out front of the Del Rey.

Par_Shooter's Avatar
Nice! I too have been to the BM back in '99/'00. We got lucky as there were only about 15 dudes, including the six of us. You couldn't go to the bathroom w/o getting molested by young hot Latinas!

I say we plan a small happy hour at a local SC to plan a trip!!