ok Ladys which do you really prefer a older man ( and what age bracket is older to you) or a younger man ( and what age bracket do you consider younger ) and why do you prefer them ? what does one do that the other does not ?
URAPNES's Avatar
Of course they are going to say older, 35+... Why? THEY GOT THE FREEKING MONEY.... Now I am sure there are some youngsters that have bank, but most dont and that is enough for a provider to prefer to see older gents...

An interesting side note, While most providers do have a preference for older gents because they tend to have $.. They have no preference for race based on the same criteria, $... Interesting, because statistically the $ goes as follows with race, Asian, White, Hispanic, Black.... I am sure there ar blacks that make tons of $, and asians that are broke. So if a provider says they prefer older/younger, and wont say they have a race preference, they are hipocrates....

[race is not the subject of this thread-keep replies on topic]

Gee, talk about possibly ruining your career in the public forum lol

But I guess it would depend on my mood. When I want a fuck fest, my preference is young guys. When I want subtle passion, it's the older guys.

Either way, I look at the Benjamin's, not the birth date.
tsrv4me's Avatar
dont need to name names ....but what age brackets and for different reasons I am sure ...I'm an old fart that would like to know also .LOL...Slowing down in my old age .I think .......T
URAPNES's Avatar
Sorry WARRIOR, I killed your thread.... Once I pointed out to the ladies that them steriotyping age is no different to race steriotyping, they wont touch this with a 10 foot pole... The hypocracy on this board is astonishing.... A provider will say "I prefer older gents because they are more mature and generous". They would never say "I prefer to see white guys because they tend to be wealthier (even though whites tend to have more discresionary income than blacks), or I prefer to not see blacks they tend to be broke (even though they have less discresionary income than whites)" (again steriotyping)...

[this thread has nothing to do with race-keep replies on topic]
Sorry WARRIOR, I killed your thread.... Once I pointed out to the ladies that them steriotyping age is no different to race steriotyping, they wont touch this with a 10 foot pole... The hypocracy on this board is astonishing.... A provider will say "I prefer older gents because they are more mature and generous". They would never say "I prefer to see white guys because they tend to be wealthier (even though whites tend to have more discresionary income than blacks), or I prefer to not see blacks they tend to be broke (even though they have less discresionary income than whites)" (again steriotyping)... Originally Posted by URAPNES

I don't know you, yes i said it, i don't know you, but you always have something freakin negative to say on this board, damn. What is the problem. I am truly sorry for any of your sour experiences, I am really, i mean that.

But first let me answer the OP question..i prefer older 30, i hate pounding pounding and pounding, pounding can be good,I can ride the big bull and put some work in on the younger gentlemen with no problem. But what can i say i have an old soul, i love that old school lovin, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with money. I love old school lovin, The older dudes enjoy talking, they pretend to actually give a shit about who they are fucking, does not make any sense. The older men actually truly know their way around a womans body. And take their time to figure out the spots, to make both parties experiences even better.

To answer your question. Do you want to know how many professional black men with money i have seen. Enough. I have seen black men who have successful jobs, some even own their own business. Does it matter where they found me. Nope. But i assure you acouple of them were from this board and they treated me like a queen. Was that honest enough for you. I don't do fake or sugary, not my style. I use this board for what it is, to place my ads, peek at reviews, share a laugh with the ladies mostly and participate in the co-ed conversation. Sorry dude i don't have a flowery fluffy answer for you. I guess im just not that type of provider.

Sorry for going off the deep end with the rant....i had to get that off my chest. Im off to enjoy the rest of my birthday.
Lisa Lisa don't even comment on this guys posts.Always rude and argumentative and shows zero respect for the ladies.
Don't know why he is even here.He doesn't have any reviews so I doubt he has ever even seen a provider.

[keep replies on topic please]
CassidyBlue's Avatar
Of course they are going to say older, 35+... Why? THEY GOT THE FREEKING MONEY.... Now I am sure there are some youngsters that have bank, but most dont and that is enough for a provider to prefer to see older gents...

An interesting side note, While most providers do have a preference for older gents because they tend to have $.. They have no preference for race based on the same criteria, $... Interesting, because statistically the $ goes as follows with race, Asian, White, Hispanic, Black.... I am sure there ar blacks that make tons of $, and asians that are broke. So if a provider says they prefer older/younger, and wont say they have a race preference, they are hipocrates....LET ALL THE WK'S EXPOSE THEMSELVES Originally Posted by URAPNES
Sorry WARRIOR, I killed your thread.... Once I pointed out to the ladies that them steriotyping age is no different to race steriotyping, they wont touch this with a 10 foot pole... The hypocracy on this board is astonishing.... A provider will say "I prefer older gents because they are more mature and generous". They would never say "I prefer to see white guys because they tend to be wealthier (even though whites tend to have more discresionary income than blacks), or I prefer to not see blacks they tend to be broke (even though they have less discresionary income than whites)" (again steriotyping)... Originally Posted by URAPNES

URAPNES - Do not hijack threads and do not pull out the race card to stir posts. Your posts in this thread are unacceptable.
ANONONE's Avatar
Let me go out a limb here and just guess, but I think they like the older gents pictured below the best.

Sorry about the joke, but well, if you ask a silly question. . .
ocho cinco's Avatar
I'm 26
Wheres the cougars???????
OMG! I have absolutely no preference whatsoever! I have seen as young as 21 and as old as 86. Everyone has been special in their own right.

Cougar? LOL! Did you say "cougar"?! I was called that only a few hours ago while on the phone! How bizarre!
Older* over 30 (always) - books with no problem, tend to be compassionate.
Younger* under 25 (rarely) - are they serious or playing, not consistant.
In between 25-30 are dealt with individually.
I think Urapnes' Avatar says plenty about his beliefs....I am surprised that kind of blatant stupidity is even allowed in this day and age on any kind of board. It's very offensive to many and I don't come here for anyone's political views, I just care about guys' views on providers. I think Urapnes needs to take his silly avatar to a Rush Limbaugh message board.

Anyway, I would think providers would want to see older men like many have said because older gents tend to have more savings to spend.

Also, just FYI Urapnes, it's spelled: "Stereotyping." I thought I would add that just to let you know how to spell a word that you like to use to try to diffuse your silly comments. Obviously, your spelling and grammar suggests you aren’t the brightest guy in the world so you should remember that fact next time you decide to post another idiotic comment.

[urapnes and his avatar are not the subject of this thread.....keep replies on topic please]
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
OMG is Urapne's avatar some kind of sick reference to that Jim Jones Georgetown thing that went down back in the 80's? I am truly apologetic that a sick person like him lives in my beloved home town. Makes me want to change my name from Fortwortholdguy to something else, and put down some other city as my location.

Back to the original question: In talking to several providers over the years I get the impression that age is not the primary issue; as long as a hobbyist treats her with respect, shows up clean and fresh (and if that's not possible asks to use the shower), can carry on a polite intelligent conversation, doesn't ask a million personal probing questions, is on time for the appointment, etc she probably has no age preference.

If a certain provider had a distinct age group that she preferred, I'm not sure it would be good marketing strategy to get on here and proclaim it.

[urapnes and his avatar are not the subject of this thread.....keep replies on topic please]
Nice try, Fort Worth Old Ass, or whatever your name is. I'm in my early 30's and I am not sure why you bring up Jim Jones - and by the way, even as young as I am, I know it occurred in the late 70's.... I see no reason why you are trying to come to Urapnes' defense with his silly comments, unless you support them and his offensive avatar.

And to stay on topic, my guess is providers' would rather see old people like you than "youngsters" like me.

Luckily though, the beauty of being somewhat young is that you can get it for free most of the time...

[name calling not permitted-warning points issued]