The Point of No Return

I realize that everyone on this board has a personal story and that each story is unique. But I imagine that lot of you gents are like me - working men with families, men that most people would decribe as successful, but who, for one reason or another, have become haunted by a “call of the wild.” Unlike the single guys with no SO and nothing to lose, men like me that step across the line into the hobby world do so knowing that they are entering a mine field – with dire ramifications.

I’d be interesting in reading a paragraph from some of the gents here with a background similar to mine that describes the moment that they “crossed the line,” what cathartic state on mind finally pushed them over – and what form that action took.

I, for one, did not know one thing about the hobby world, where to go to find what I wanted, and what precautions to take. What was it like for you?


This not too old thread is pertinent to your question.

I think every hobbyist with a SO has had a moment where he wondered how the path went so wrong from saying "I do" to the wife to answering "I do" to a question about having hobby references.