Name changes

turbonupe's Avatar
Ok, now, i'm not exactly new to this site, but i am still a hobby virgin, everytime i get the nerve to maybe try it, i see a thread on here that makes me back off, mainly way too much drama for what i think hobbying is, but any way, why do some providers change their name name and try and hide their face as if no one will know who they were ?
Hiding faces:

Perhaps they don't want their family/friends/other job find out

Name change:

Perhaps a lady is full of drama and has a bad reputation and is trying to pull crap under a new name.
Perhaps a lady had some personal issues to deal with and needed to make the change.
Maybe she has a stalker.

There are a number of reasons for these things. Too long of a list really.

Torito's Avatar
Because we do not know the reason for a name change, do not post a lady's past name with her present. If the reason is a stalker or some other safety issue it do her serious harm. I know that people like to play the guessing game, and speculate about why so and so became so and so. Don't do it. It is a form of outing and is not allowed here.

pyramider's Avatar
Your success in the hobby is based on discretion, yours and hers.

The pixeled/mosaic/swirled faces in photos is the provider being discrete. Once a photo is on the internet its out there and out of their control.

Name changes might be the result of being outed, stalker action, or just marketing.
Int3rested's Avatar
staying safe for all...roll with the flow...