Chats, IM'S and TEXTS - Shouldn't this be billed?

Hey everyone,
I have a strict policy that I do not spend time SEX TEXTING, INSTANT MESSAGING or CHATTING with clients. Period.
I know this does not go for everyone, but I learned early on that some guys if givin an inch....will take a mile when it comes to this.
They think that just because they are not sitting in front of you...and touching you....that there is no fee for this?
It is still TAKING TIME OUT OF OUR DAY....and keeping us from other tasks, like perhaps booking an appt with someone who WILL pay for our time?

I feel confused about the girls that do this, and spend hours texting or chatting back and forth to clients having sex talk.
I guess they think it is ok with them, and to each their own.

I just ask these guys to please consider it is still valuable time for the provider to do this.

Perhaps we could start a program.....TEXT and CHAT gift cards?
You can purchase so many minutes of chat....and then use your minutes when you feel the need!

NOW, if the chat or text is instigated by the provider....then that is a completely different story.

flowerflower1's Avatar
you can consider it a service but some ladies do it and it probably gets them lots of business and return business. flirting with a client is a good way get someone interested, or a note to say thank you to someone that just dropped $$ to $$$ on you is a great way to keep someone coming back. (didn't everyone's parents teach them to send thank you notes to someone who helped you out or did something nice for you)you can control how much you play so it shouldn't get out of hand unless you let it. if you don't want to play that is your prerogative.... be happy!!! hugs
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I am in a sales job. For every minute that I spend making a sale I probably spend 100 talking about things I hope will lead to a sale. This includes answering a lot of questions from prospective clients hoping they will, at some point in the future.
If you don't do this, why are you concerned that some girls do? They are free to conduct their business however they want, right? If it bothers them, they should just do what you do.
1bucknrut's Avatar
I am in a sales job. For every minute that I spend making a sale I probably spend 100 talking about things I hope will lead to a sale. This includes answering a lot of questions from prospective clients hoping they will, at some point in the future.

Bobave's Avatar
I am in a sales job. For every minute that I spend making a sale I probably spend 100 talking about things I hope will lead to a sale. This includes answering a lot of questions from prospective clients hoping they will, at some point in the future.
+1 Originally Posted by 1bucknrut
Yep, it's called account maintenance (to get customers or keep them coming back) and account penetration (getting more of that client's business) - very appropriate term in this business!
If you don't do this, why are you concerned that some girls do? They are free to conduct their business however they want, right? If it bothers them, they should just do what you do. Originally Posted by BigEddie
Right on Big Eddie.
I stopped phonesex (or it's current version sexting) when someone invented something called the internet and started uploading something called Porn.

As Eddie said if these guys are wasting your time then cut them off. If you want to charge then setup a website and charge for it. If the other girls use it for marketing then that's their choice. This nickle and dime shit just pisses off the guys BTW. Why don't you also charge them $5 for a bottle of water? Maybe you can have a parking fee at your incall. Guys if you are a time waster shame on you.
TexRich's Avatar
no tiki no taki!
Torito's Avatar
For me, personal contact is an absolute requirement for making a decision. We are not talking about nickles and dimes, so it is important to make my best decision on where to spend my money. I will have a PM exchange or two and a phone call before I decide. After that, with almost 100 o/o certainty, I know how the session will go. I am not talking about taking hours of her time, but minutes. If she can't spare that, then I am ready to make my decision. Next!

No way will I go to a website and schedule an appointment cold with an email.

Ranchhand's Avatar
Damn, Ginger, I was gonna tell ya what a smoking body you have, but I will wait till I see how much you charge for that. By the way, as others have said, why worry about what others do, just run your business as you see fit.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
The line item on your income statement and tax returns is usually called 'cost of sales'.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I think if I had charged a dollar a minute for all the time I've spent answering legal questions from providers over the years in PMs, e-mails, when IM-ing, on the phone, and in person, I'd have enough dollars to -- hell, I don't know, but a lot of dollars. Haha.
LazurusLong's Avatar

Since you just wasted 10 minutes of my time bitching about something I don't do, where can I send you an invoice for MY time?

BTW. that tab at the top labeled CHAT? Better not ever click on that, I'd hate to see you have your precious time wasted getting to know potential clients and flirting with them....

Just saying.

I'm surprised that Donice has a handle on here.....
Lana Warren's Avatar
Well, I have been very fortunate that my gentlemen friends have not abused our friendship at all with all texts and IMs! They all know that I have a life away from the board and they respect my privacy, but they also know that I love hearing from them and I gladly engage in conversation when I'm able to! My biggest problem.....I'm a talker! LOL!
Ginger, you are taking the "business-like" approach to the hobby. Judging by the hundreds if not thousands of reviews I have read in the last 8 years on ASPD and ECCIE, I have never seen a single guy say..."she was so business-like, I can't wait to see her again". The majority of guys like the illusions of passion and what you just said killed that illusion. You may get PM's from ladies who agree with you but there will be pretty much none who will agree in public because it will take a bite out of business. If you were making money for every waking minute of the day, i'd understand your "bottom-line" concerns, but you don't. So your statement that, "It is still TAKING TIME OUT OF OUR DAY....and keeping us from other tasks, like perhaps booking an appt with someone who WILL pay for our time?" is pretty much baseless. For the next month, refuse to communicate with guys who are not booking appointments, and report back how much "more" money you've made. I have a feeling we wouldn't get such a report.