Canceling Baton Rouge

Sorry, too quiet for my blood, maybe in april
I was looking forward to seeing you.....
I know sweetheart, and I tried... So don't think I'm giving up
When You Are Ready's Avatar
BR, you missed out on an awesome lady.
ilovedatass's Avatar
Wiley64's Avatar
Yeah, I had my hopes up too. Been waiting a longgggg time to tryout a Mina cardio...
Lmao, u have waited forever! U wanted Belinda and now Mina lol. So hurry the hell up and jump already!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Baton Rouge can be a strange place. In the fall, I hardly had anyone but tonight and tomorrow... it's pretty busy! You can never tell! So, guys... when Mina reschedules, sign up!!!! She is worth it!!


Doubles or triples again soon sweetie!
ilovedatass's Avatar
triples ?
Oh yes!
Wiley64's Avatar
Lmao, u have waited forever! U wanted Belinda and now Mina lol. So hurry the hell up and jump already! Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Actually last time I was going to see you. Lea rode me and wore me out like a bcicycle seat in the Touir de France!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Doubles or triples again soon sweetie! Originally Posted by Mina Parker
triples ? Originally Posted by ilovedatass
Oh yes! Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Oh, dear god, YES!!! It was awesome... Calista, Mina and me! I think the guy is still in ICU!!!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Actually last time I was going to see you. Lea rode me and wore me out like a bcicycle seat in the Touir de France! Originally Posted by Wiley64
So, where you afraid to get back on the bicycle this time???? LOL


Wow, triples. A long held fantasy of mine. Not sure how I would handle it, but just the thought of being surrounded by beautiful soft flesh excites me.