provider menu

jonic's Avatar
  • jonic
  • 10-06-2015, 09:23 AM
Don't put something on your menu if you only offer it some people and not everyone. I have a question. If a provider does not do a good job should you tell her or just let her think she is doing a good job? I have seen a few providers that i do not do reviews for because I don't want them to have a no on their reviews. They are good people but maybe this is not the job for them.
Invisible1's Avatar
Write the reviews. You did your research and saw them because of the lack of detail in their reviews. Yup, you got screwed by your fellow fucktards. Feels good huh?

You don't have to give each of them a No, but you should include some detail in the review about where her talents excel and where they are low. If it was not a good experience at all, then a No is certainly warranted. Not doing a review at all is just being a whoosy.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
I feel that any provider that can't do a good job should be blasted AND get a no review. You can't just play with someone's money/time & not expect any consequences! Giving that provider a NO review(which she deserved) will let other hobbyist know that that provider doesn't take her job seriously.
jonic's Avatar
  • jonic
  • 10-06-2015, 12:48 PM
I would rather them tell me they didn't want to see me rather than me coming all the out there spending money and not doing much. I waste my time, money and gas. Being honest goes a long way.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
You should write an honest objective review; but, leave the butt hurt out of it.
Total honesty on a hooker board? Not gonna happen. I wish it were that simple, but we all know it is not. Most of the providers will say exactly what you want to hear to get that money from you, then once you are there and the money is shown, then their demeanor changes as all you are is a wallet.

If a provider states things in her menu, but also does other activities not listed, I would not mention them in a review, or if you want to be completely honest in the review, say you received those activities but they are YMMV.

The problem occurs when she has a menu she advertises and does not do what she advertises she does. If you want to go by reviews of the provider as a gauge, then look for consistency in the reviews by different guys and that should tell you what you are probably going to receive BCD as well.

It is your time and money, so when you choose to do a review, it is your opinion of the session, fuck what the provider or anyone else thinks or may think. Do not let a provider or her WKs intimidate you to write a good review when you did not enjoy yourself. This site is for the guys, not the girls and there is a way to be honest without being an asshole.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Perpetuating the cycle you yourself got caught in.

Everyone in this hobby benefits from objective constructive criticism and honesty.
  • grean
  • 10-06-2015, 02:38 PM
You can leave the recommendation blank. That also makes guys read your review. If you feel that a "NO" is in order, be sure to be objective. Ignore the PMs you get from her or any of her WKs. Don't get drawn into a public grudge match with her or her WKs. They throw shit. Be the bigger monkey and move to your next conquest.
  • grean
  • 10-06-2015, 02:40 PM
Also be ready not to use her as a reference.
blowmypop23's Avatar
Write a review. Some ladies are ymmv providers and guys need to know that. Guys not writing reviews or fluffing reviews is what causes others to be upset when they go and it's not the same.

On the Flip side make sure you understand why those services were not offered to you. Were you freshly showered or did you have sweaty hairy balls. If you smell bad or are too hairy then almost every provider will be a ymmv provider.
  • grean
  • 10-06-2015, 03:26 PM
Write your review. Your title of this thread is provider menu. If for example she listed BBBJ and you got there and only got CBJ. That is something guys here want to know. Also if she did technically perform all the agreed to activities, but she just wasn't enthusiastic or fell asleep while you were fucking her. That too is something we would like to know. It doesn't matter if she's a good person. She is taking your money, she may take mine one day. please review.
Ymmv is all over the reviews...that's why i go for the 30 min meet n greet. If it works great. If if don' n learn another day. And take care of your (30 min meet n great regulars) that end up Rocking your world long long time
  • grean
  • 10-06-2015, 03:33 PM
Make sure she knows she is getting a review. She will usually up her game to avoid a bad review.
TheEccie214's Avatar
You can leave the recommendation blank. That also makes guys read your review. If you feel that a "NO" is in order, be sure to be objective. Ignore the PMs you get from her or any of her WKs. Don't get drawn into a public grudge match with her or her WKs. They throw shit. Be the bigger monkey and move to your next conquest. Originally Posted by grean
Interesting, never thought of that and always thought a blank was an inadvertent oversight when completing the review.
  • grean
  • 10-07-2015, 11:40 AM
leaving a blank is really what guys should do by default. There are too many "yes" reviews that if you read ROS, the review should probably should be at minimum left blank, if not out right "No".