Playing music at an incall

zingao's Avatar
Whenever i have a lady coming over to my hotel, i make certain to have at least 2 hours of music on my laptop, iphone, ipod, or i turn on the radio. i never turn on the TV. to me, playing music sets the tone for the encounter, it also helps to calm the initial meet and greet phase of the encounter, and once things get going, it really seems to get the ladies going when i play pop music, or disco dance music, even rap...

so why, some times, when i go to some incalls, do the ladies have, sometimes, the TV on, and it is playing something like: COps, or NCIS Miami....??

Are they aware that this is less than romantic...

this is not to say, i have been to see some ladies, and they do have music playing, as they are aware that this is a great mood setter.

anyone else have any thoughts on this..

does it even matter??
Satyrrical's Avatar
If outcall I turn on Pandora app to Station Mazy Star's "Fade into You." If incall I invite lady to read my 411 profile which lists my music preferences. I also state there that TV needs to be off.

Local news or reality TV is definite boner kill. As is most TV.

Game of Thrones or True Blood can be hot, but I'd rather concentrate on the flesh in front of me than semi-warm pixels.
DallasRain's Avatar
I actually have a internet box which hooks to tv so I can stream live from Kansas City roc station! I luv classic rock to get my gears grinding!

{when I first started,I had no such setup so I would put "golf" on the tv}
pyramider's Avatar
KC rock station? They only play Meatloaf.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
One time a girl had the Simpsons on. I had her turn it off. It is hard to get sexed up with Homer Simpson in the background.
  • jwood
  • 08-08-2013, 08:34 PM
I've noticed I can't cum with the TV on
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 08-08-2013, 08:48 PM
I too believe TVs should be off. Not even golf.

Her attention should be on me, and vice versa.

Low music is OK, but slurping and slapping is the music I expect to make/hear beyond any vocal accompaniment.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--Pyramider...that KC station rocks!
Good God, turn off the TV. I don't care what is on. Put on some soft jazz or blues. That really sets the mood for me.
I so agree--NO TV! I usually play Pandora "Cool Jazz" but would always change it on request.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Just recently on my first tour, I switched between soft jazz and classical rock (very low of course since we were making our own acapella sounds...) and it worked like a charm....
The Good Names Are Taken's Avatar
One time a girl had the Simpsons on. I had her turn it off. It is hard to get sexed up with Homer Simpson in the background. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Get outta here! A girl into the Simpsons?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
One time a girl had the Simpsons on. I had her turn it off. It is hard to get sexed up with Homer Simpson in the background. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Better than having Family Guy in the background going "Oh piece of candy, oh piece of candy, oh piece of candy" for 3 minutes straight
kindafun's Avatar
Smooth jazz or soft rock are good. One time I went to a ladies incall and her "mood music" was surf rock! The Mermen I think. It was just weird. The TV is a no-go though. It's got to be off.
I will play something from Enigma or Evernesence. If the gent prefers something else I will just change the station. I have a variety of stations set up.

If outcall I turn on Pandora app to Station Mazy Star's "Fade into You." If incall I invite lady to read my 411 profile which lists my music preferences. I also state there that TV needs to be off.

Local news or reality TV is definite boner kill. As is most TV.

Game of Thrones or True Blood can be hot, but I'd rather concentrate on the flesh in front of me than semi-warm pixels. Originally Posted by Satyrrical