What's safer... BBBJ or CFS?

Little Caesar's Avatar
As far as STDs go, BBBJ still has risks for both. Is protected FS actually safer than BBBJ?

Yes, if you are going by numbers I do believe intercourse with condoms is more effective at keeping you 100% safe than oral sex without.

Keep in mind, that transmission of sexual diseases, although possible through oral sex, are unlikely. In order for any virus to enter your blood stream, it needs an entry point. Simply having bodily fluids in your mouth is usually not enough to accomplish that. Good oral hygene, a mouth, and genitals that are free of sores, wounds, blisters, and you're as safe as shaking someones hand.

Fun Fact: Swallowing Semen is safer than having it spread over your skin.

Have Fun!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
If you want to be totally safe take up crossword puzzles. BBBJ is the last bastion of real sex. The day CFS becomes the rule is the day I leave the Hobby.
Did you mean "the day CBJ becomes the norm"?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Did you mean "the day CBJ becomes the norm"? Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
I was responding to the OPs acronym, I figured the CBJ was understood because that was how he framed the question. I don't advocate bareback in the Hobby.
Little Caesar's Avatar
I was referring to BBBJ (which is still the norm) vs CFS (which is always the norm). Most hobbyists require BBBJ or nothing at all, and are OK with the risks. Is it because the risks with BB oral are easily treatable?

I originally came into this thinking I was safer just getting a BBBJ than doing protected FS. Now, after reading some, I don't know if that's true. I was looking for any information on the topic.
  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2013, 02:33 PM
Based on results of a poll that I posted, my guess as to the % of respondents who got an STD from a BBBJ would be 9%: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=331396&highlight=

These are all men that post on eccie.

I don't think the answer to your question is an easy one. Have you been immunized against HPV or already been exposed to a number of different strains of HPV? Do you have genital herpes?

If you answered "no" to both questions, then I'd be more worried about CFS, as herpes lasts a lifetime, and HPV can last a long time and cause cervical cancer in your partner(s). And both can be contracted during intercourse even with a condom. I have no idea if it's true, but have read that condoms are about 70% effective in preventing HPV infections from vaginal intercourse, and suspect the % would be about the same for herpes as HPV. That would mean condoms are 30% ineffective in preventing HPV from CFS.

If you answered "yes" to those two questions, meaning getting HPV or herpes is not an issue for you because you've already got them, then I think BBBJ would be the bigger risk for you.

You can clear up chlamydia and gonorrhea, which would be the biggest risks from BBBJ, with antibiotics, and if you're a man you'll probably know you have them from the symptoms.
Lucky 1's Avatar
I'm going to post a couple of things I wrote in another thread a long time ago pertaining to "sanitzing your stuff" before and after sessions with a provider...I always do this and I belive it works...

here's the original thread this came from....http://eccie.net/showthread.php?p=63...ht=#post635409

Quoteing from tha thread:
(Me)........Guy's the the thing to use...what I've used for years and have never caught anything (knock on wood!) is a tamed iodophor such as betadine surgical scrub. Tamed iodophors kill pretty much everything. Both gram negative and gram positive bacteria...virus's.. mold...mildew....and do not burn and are not irritatating to the skin. Iodophors are verrry staining to cloths so use it in the shower. After having your fun jump in the shower wash then apply it to the whole groin area including the end of your tool ....let dwell one minute them rinse off...re-wash to remove the betadine and you have done all you can do to be safe. After a session of DATY and kissing I always rinse and gargle with listerine....the thymol and salicylate will work on at least a certain amount of stuff..... Alcohol is lethal to most bacteria and virus's at a 40% concentration. Unfortunately Listerine only contains about 21% alcohol....you could I suppose rinse and gargle with somthing like vodka or everclear.......that sure as hell would do the job!!!! Anyway take this for what it's worth and II hope this helps.

Originally Posted by Shackleton
Is this stuff available at the grocery store or pharmacy? Is that its actual name or does it have a trade name? Is it effective if it's not done until an hour or so later (roughly the time it often takes me to get from BCD time to getting back home and in the shower)?

(ME) ......Betadine is a brand name and you can find it and the generic version at wallgreens or prolly any pharmacy for that matter....as for how long you can wait before you apply it....I've got no idea. Washing with surgical scrub has got to be about the best you can do although I'm no Doc and can't tell you what the true level of protection really is.

Years ago I went to an upscale brothel in Nevada ....customers were REQUIRED to wash with surgical scrub before a session with the girls. The girl I saw told me that the doctor that serviced the brothel and did the state required bi-weekly medical exams on licensed sex workers had suggested this to the owner of the brothel and that she had worked there for 5 years and not one of the girls had ever caught anything since this policy had been put into effect.

So like I said take this for what it's worth.....my personal feeling is that from a protection stand point this is doing the most you can do to stay safe
Yes, if you are going by numbers I do believe intercourse with condoms is more effective at keeping you 100% safe than oral sex without.

Keep in mind, that transmission of sexual diseases, although possible through oral sex, are unlikely. In order for any virus to enter your blood stream, it needs an entry point. Simply having bodily fluids in your mouth is usually not enough to accomplish that. Good oral hygene, a mouth, and genitals that are free of sores, wounds, blisters, and you're as safe as shaking someones hand.

Fun Fact: Swallowing Semen is safer than having it spread over your skin.

Have Fun! Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
That isn't true.
Google oral sex and throat cancer.
Google diseases and oral sex.
BB anything always carries more risk than anything C.
I finally have crossed the divide in that I only want CBJ and CFS, and no deep kissing. Why you ask? Well I was researching a provider I have long admired, and will be in her city next week. This provider pointed out she had well over 400 stellar reviews. When I thought about it, with a multiplier of only 20 sexual experiences from each of the 400 plus hobbyists, I realized I was subjecting myself to the risks of sexual disease from greater than 8,000 people. And, of course, she had many customers who didn't write a review, meaning the risk is exponentially increased. I've decided the risk is simply too high for BBBJ and French kissing.

Will I still see this provider, well yes. But all activities will be covered. I'm still playing a form of Russian roulette. However, the cylinder that holds the fatal bullet has simply been enlarged by my restrictions.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
If you're afraid of disease then I suggest going back to fucking your wife. (you in general)
Assuming someone has a wife....or wants one....which is not the case. I am not criticizing any decision you may make, and there is no justification in criticizing mine. I simply am stating what I have chosen and provided valid reasoning for my decision. That line of reasoning may make sense to some, or to none. My reasoning is no less valid simply because others choose not to recognize the legitimate risks inherent in the hobby.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Assuming someone has a wife....or wants one....which is not the case. I am not criticizing any decision you may make, and there is no justification in criticizing mine. I simply am stating what I have chosen and provided valid reasoning for my decision. That line of reasoning may make sense to some, or to none. My reasoning is no less valid simply because others choose not to recognize the legitimate risks inherent in the hobby. Originally Posted by EastTxGent
Wasn't about you, but thanks for taken offense to it
Even if it was, Mary Beth, we all have to have thick skin in this hobby. And, I did try to communicate with a tenor befitting a gentleman, that is if a gentleman actually can also be a hobbyist. LOL