Can I get fries with that?

happybanana's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
Love the drive through one! I can see it here in Austin already... "would you like to super size your hooker?"
burkalini's Avatar
Since they are open air do the voyeurs get a free show?
RedLeg505's Avatar
I suppose they could put a coin box and turnstile at the entrance to the drive-in area, charging the voyeurs to pay to enjoy. Adds a bit to the "dogging' craze if they did I would imagine.
speeedracer's Avatar
anyone got the whole article for The Sun without having to create an account?
  • TCB
  • 08-18-2013, 10:53 AM
The Europeans are ahead of the curve..

HB Originally Posted by happybanana
Dayum DRIVE-THRU brothels for men to pick up prostitutes are set to open in Zurich after city bosses spent more than £1MILLION building them.

£1MILLION, thinck we are all in the wrong business
happybanana's Avatar
Did you notice the sign in the "stall" to the left? Reverse cowgirl!
RochBob's Avatar
The information in the Guardian article indicates these stalls are part of a "Social Project" to help protect Sex workers. I wonder just how big the Backlash would be if you tried to do something like that in the US?
The information in the Guardian article indicates these stalls are part of a "Social Project" to help protect Sex workers. I wonder just how big the Backlash would be if you tried to do something like that in the US? Originally Posted by RochBob
Not a chance! Even the legal Nevada brothels have a backlash and regulations. We come from a Puritan heritage. The 'sex police' are headquartered here.