Just Curious, Provider only area on the board?

Repeating myself here, is there a "provider only forum" on the board? I know I am still re-new-ed here, and might not have access, but was hoping there was a forum on the board exclusively for providers. Thanks
Pistolero's Avatar
look at the first page of the city forum for infoshare. Only providers and mods have access there. Later on you can get access to the powder room which is female only.
DarthMaul's Avatar
The powder room but you have to get approval from one of the female MODS. You can also contact "The Original Becky" and she can tell you.

I think you have to have at least 100 posts but I could be wrong.
Thank you Gentlemen...
Don't swap too many stories about how hung I am might scare some girls away
Yes, there is. But you have to be a verified provider with reviews to get in access to infoshare. Powder room has even tighter restrictions
Infoshare is the place for ladies only. you can share information and get to know some of the girls

Repeating myself here, is there a "provider only forum" on the board? I know I am still re-new-ed here, and might not have access, but was hoping there was a forum on the board exclusively for providers. Thanks Originally Posted by Bellaluna
boardman's Avatar
You need an alternate handle to use until you get verified?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
.... & poof. The OP is gone.
.... & poof. The OP is gone. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
I am still here, I crossed over to my former self... It is all good, no worries.