So...Has the Hobby changed while I was gone..??

I don't know if it is just me or what but I have been posting less than a week now since I decided to get involved again and EVERY single call or text or apt set up the guy either is a no show or just giving me the run around for the fun of it?? Like really?? As if I don't prefer to be doing something else besides staring at my fone. About 8 "supposed" calls and not a single one so far has made it. Even some from P411? Is this happening to anyone else? Definately not a fun game. I get all dolled up and ready then spend the rest of the afternoon on the computer or something...IS IT THAT HARD TO GET A DESCENT GUY in HTX now? Seems I didn't have this problem so much in the past. Where are our serious professional men who actually adhear to a schedule or plan? Forgive me if I sound whiney just a lil frusterated in more ways than one.
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Well ive been around ECCIE for almost 5 years
When I make a appointment I show up
So seems odd to me , wish you had a lower
Hourly rate as Your very nice and great looking
So I would show up for sure to see you
Hope things improve!!
THE GOOSE's Avatar
There be lots of flakes and no show people these days.
I recall other threads started by the ladies about this exact problem for them. At the very least it's not unheard of.
Balderfiddle's Avatar
Well I was one of the recent inexperienced no shows... Not for you but for another girl. I can say that in my case it was just letting the little head do the thinking. Scheduling a tight appointment I shouldn't have in the first place. Anyways I made it good with my provider - hope some of yours have the decency to as well. This here is my public apology to the hobby at large.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 08-01-2014, 02:48 PM
Always screen Hun. But it does seem odd now as you explain it. Perhaps some dopes set up and then realize you are not for them and they cancel. That is the problem of poor research on fucktard standards.
tbone77494's Avatar
I don't schedule in advance cause work would regularly cause me to cancel. So I usually have to try short notice indies or Latin agencies. I have to deal with limited supply since most ladies aren't sitting by the phone waiting for my call but when I do schedule I am always there.
dearhunter's Avatar

Skinny whores are out..........fat whores are in
Talked to one of my favorites yesterday and she said 3 fucktards cancelled that day. I was one of them because of work. Sucks balls when you have to work to pay for your nuts!!

Sorry, but keep trying, Screen em and be ready when we call. If guys are like me it's hard to escape the grind and slip out for some nookie.

I had my choice yesterday, go see my favorite gal referenced above or stay and work on a deal and make $20,000 in commission. It was hard to pass up but the $$$$ won out.

Skinny whores are out..........fat whores are in Originally Posted by dearhunter

op....the vicious cycle of ncns and cancellations continues. Guys arrange their day and line up Plan A, B, and C.

He feels the need because his Plan A might disappear or drag him on (like his previous Plan A)...cuz she overbooked to ensure adequate income.

If both parties had their shit together, we wouldn't have this problem.

One thought....if guys are testing the waters and not committing....they may be lining you up as a backup.
Prime Time's Avatar
No, hookers are still charging more than they are worth.
Sure is getting deep in here.

Talked to one of my favorites yesterday and she said 3 fucktards cancelled that day. I was one of them because of work. Sucks balls when you have to work to pay for your nuts!!

Sorry, but keep trying, Screen em and be ready when we call. If guys are like me it's hard to escape the grind and slip out for some nookie.

I had my choice yesterday, go see my favorite gal referenced above or stay and work on a deal and make $20,000 in commission. It was hard to pass up but the $$$$ won out. Originally Posted by Daddio
Guys are tired of paying for girls that over price themselves. Kinda like when you go window shopping and you are about to buy something you really don't need. You change your mind and keep your money or buy something not as expensive.

Girls cancel all the time. Last couple of weeks I had to girls cancel. One said her phone went dead. The other had an NBA. I got the "What is your race text" as I am driving to her place. Even though she posted she welcomed all races.

Cancellations happen on both ends.
Kinda feel sorry for the OP but you're right cancellations happen on both sides. I'm a window shopper and very selective so I never have a plan B in the context of the hobby. If plan A doesn't work for me its on to the real world. I'm not chasing a dam thing by having multiple plans. To each his own.
  • good1
  • 08-01-2014, 07:00 PM
I agree with Tbone77494