Legal Basis For Outlawing Prostitution

  • grean
  • 03-18-2019, 08:49 AM
What is the legal basis for outlawing pay for play?

Sex is legal.

It's okay to give people money.

You can even give a woman a dollar to shake her ass and tits on stage.

If you give her money for sex, that's illegal.

I don't understand what justification any government has to make that illegal.
themystic's Avatar
What is the legal basis for outlawing pay for play?

Sex is legal.

It's okay to give people money.

You can even give a woman a dollar to shake her ass and tits on stage.

If you give her money for sex, that's illegal.

I don't understand what justification any government has to make that illegal. Originally Posted by grean
Ask the Republican Trump supporters on here. They routinely pay for pussy then vote to outlaw prostitution, abortion etc.
lustylad's Avatar
A chicken in every pot is good.

But a hooker on every street corner is bad for property values.

Mystic lives in the Hookerville slums.
I can answer this one for ya, grean:

Over time, once enuff districts in the country vote an Islamic majority into office (ie: city, county, state, federal) Sharia Law will be introduced. The Muslim-loving Dimms will simply tell everyone "you thought you wanted the New Green Deal but deep down inside this is what you were really asking just didn't know it yet."

Once done, we'll begin seeing johns, hookers, and gays being publicly executed via stoning on a regular basis until all are eradicated. So, in the long run, your question is a moot one, grean. Ain't the party of Open Borders-Zero Immigration Laws grand?
bamscram's Avatar
I can answer this one for ya, grean:

Over time, once enuff districts in the country vote an Islamic majority into office (ie: city, county, state, federal) Sharia Law will be introduced. The Muslim-loving Dimms will simply tell everyone "you thought you wanted the New Green Deal but deep down inside this is what you were really asking just didn't know it yet."

Once done, we'll begin seeing johns, hookers, and gays being publicly executed via stoning on a regular basis until all are eradicated. So, in the long run, your question is a moot one, grean. Ain't the party of Open Borders-Zero Immigration Laws grand? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

As to the OP, here in Texas there are state anti-Prostitution laws. You can google them. They've been discussed in depth on this site before.

Your OP is also a bad rip off of a Carlin routine.
Your OP is also a bad rip off of a Carlin routine. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Any reference to the late, great George Carlin is a good one....
themystic's Avatar
I can answer this one for ya, grean:

Over time, once enuff districts in the country vote an Islamic majority into office (ie: city, county, state, federal) Sharia Law will be introduced. The Muslim-loving Dimms will simply tell everyone "you thought you wanted the New Green Deal but deep down inside this is what you were really asking just didn't know it yet."

Once done, we'll begin seeing johns, hookers, and gays being publicly executed via stoning on a regular basis until all are eradicated. So, in the long run, your question is a moot one, grean. Ain't the party of Open Borders-Zero Immigration Laws grand? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Unbelievable that bullshit Trump has feed you and your people CB
  • oeb11
  • 03-18-2019, 12:03 PM
The Puritans brought their repressive views of sexuality with them - and some of the element persists in American hypocrisy about the body and sexuality to this day.

Religious proscription - while preachers are Partying Sat nite, and Preaching Sun AM - is also a part of the hypocritical laws banning sexual conduct between consenting adults.

Govt. should get the hell out of anything between Consenting adults.

Human trafficking/Pimping, etc -I am fine with proscribing. And a topic unmentionable.

If this above is Trump BS - I am fine with IT!
I don't understand what justification any government has to make that illegal. Originally Posted by grean
all law is but a majority's view of what is best at any given time for and of the society of that majority

that is enough and is the only justification that can be given as an explanation for any law
I B Hankering's Avatar
Promiscuity begats bastard children who complicate property laws and rights of succession. To preserve the peace in a civil society, laws were created to insure uncomplicated lines of succession and to curtail the possibility of violence arising from contests over property. This is why adultery in the days before DNA testing was viewed as a major problem – a “sin”. Massive estates – whole kingdoms – depended on the accession of a legitimate heir. An illegitimate heir -- or worse: an illegitimate "pretender" -- has no "Divine Right" to rule over a people. Thus, queen's who engaged in adultery were particularly persecuted because they put doubt in the minds of the subjects that the heir was legitimately destined to rule.
bambino's Avatar
A chicken in every pot is good.

But a hooker on every street corner is bad for property values.

Mystic lives in the Hookerville slums. Originally Posted by lustylad
The gay side.
Show me a married woman, or a woman that wants to be married to a man, and I will show you someone opposed to prostitution.

Like abortion laws, prostitution laws are attributed to men, when the virulency is almost completely attributable to women, and most women are Democrats.

Prostitution laws having nothing to do with protecting women. They are about women(the ones who "abhor' prostitution) extorting men, gaining
control and money. Women understand that men would not put up with much of their behaviour if sex was easily available elsewhere.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Let's use Nevada as a teaching moment. Prostitution has been legal in Nevada for many years. This year, because of the influx of retired Californians, the governor, both US senators, their state Senate and assembly is controlled by democrats, and their Senate is majority female. There is some serious talk in Nevada about restricting prostitution across the entire state. So who is behind that talk? Democrats and women. Nuff said.
bamscram's Avatar