Danielle Silver's Avatar
It is beyond me Why members do not follow the rules.

All the racist white/black/brown derogatory comments need to hault.

All the name calling and baiting of other members is done.

I don't know if everyone thinks because I have a pussy that I can be bullied or laxed because I'm afraid to hurt my business..

FYI I don't see hobbyist and I'm done giving warnings...

Bigrump2000's Avatar
Hault lmao
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It is beyond me Why members do not follow the rules.

All the racist white/black/brown derogatory comments need to hault.

All the name calling and baiting of other members is done.

I don't know if everyone thinks because I have a pussy that I can be bullied or laxed because I'm afraid to hurt my business..

FYI I don't see hobbyist and I'm done giving warnings...

DS Originally Posted by Danielle Silver

have you issued out points???
oilfieldace's Avatar
For the life of me I can't figure out why the mods are so biased????
bambino's Avatar
It is beyond me Why members do not follow the rules.

All the racist white/black/brown derogatory comments need to hault.

All the name calling and baiting of other members is done.

I don't know if everyone thinks because I have a pussy that I can be bullied or laxed because I'm afraid to hurt my business..

FYI I don't see hobbyist and I'm done giving warnings...

DS Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
Thanks for the clarification. I asked you a few times if we were going back to the “good ole days”. But you didn’t respond. It’s pretty obvious things were going that way. For the record, I think you have more balls than most in this forum. IJS
She's right, ya know.

Here's the bottom line, guys:

I kinda have my doubts if there's many (if any) one of us who knows someone else in this forum on a personal level (ie: in the "real world"). If so, I don't believe those individuals have tipped their hats per that assumption to the group.

That said, the anonymity makes it all too easy to remain hidden, and thus, slam the other guy over and over again. So many hit and run attacks....if you think about it, we've become desensitized to it in some strange way.

I'd wager a few shekels that if we (hypothetically) had the opportunity to debate the issues one-on-one or as a group...In Person...we'd hear anything remotely close to the level of vitriol we regularly read in here.

Too be honest I have a great deal of respect (for the opinions) of a number of contributors here...on both sides of the political spectrum for that matter. It's quite evident there are more than a few learned people here.

So, in closing, shouldn't bright, educated people conduct themselves with a higher level of decorum and civility than what we regularly see in here? We really should not need warnings from a Mod...who so eloquently reminded us she has a pussy (yum)...to clean this up.

I think it can take place if everyone simply decides to take it upon themselves to make that happen. We might be surprised at the results.

Budman's Avatar
The new rules suck.
  • Tiny
  • 03-19-2019, 08:06 AM
have you issued out points??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
She probably doesn’t have 4 hours a day to read every post in this forum. And believes grown men should be capable of civil discourse without a hyperactive moderator
rexdutchman's Avatar
I agree sadly its just become name calling no cogent responses
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder if she really knew how much feces she was gonna have to shovel when cleaning out the cages of this zoo,

You’re right, Tiny, but as we can already see, some folks don’t read at all.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I have real world friends with a few on hear. Our throwing monkey poo at each other hasn’t effected our friendships.

It all in fun.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
She probably doesn’t have 4 hours a day to read every post in this forum. And believes grown men should be capable of civil discourse without a hyperactive moderator Originally Posted by Tiny

dickey got pointed. so theres that.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Funny how some poster's want to generalize everyone "just saying"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
dickey got pointed. so theres that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Dickey got banned. But we’re already seeing Dickey impersonators springing up with the suddenness. that he did. Seems like a couple within the same 24 hours. Coincidentally, that was the same 24 hours wherein white supremacist Steve King was stripped of his committee seats.

I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Dickey got banned. But we’re already seeing Dickey impersonators springing up with the suggennes that he did.

I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Does that make you feel better that Dicky got banned?