massive smuggling effort underway

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
76,000 arrests in February. most of them families.

they're using a combination of cloven/piven strategy and profiteering to overwhelm our guys; keeping them distracted and more of their ilk (single males) escapes elsewhere.

those cartel guys are sick creeps.

mexican govt. is useless.

the new president of mexico talks about welcoming immigrants and at the same time cooperating with Trump. he can't have it both ways.

meh... Times Picayune printed part of the wapo article. didn't know there was more to it. they only printed the 1st 2 sections of the article. damn cheapskates!!!

There is no crisis at the Border.

The reason we know this? The Democrats tell us.

Why do they tell us this?

Because Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election and Donald Trump is President. Period. End of discussion.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ Really that sums it all up .